First Year Seminars

As an incoming Bloodhound, we know that John Jay is the right fit for you because you care about a variety of justice issues. Your first step in becoming Advocates for Justice is to select an Area of Interest and First Year Seminar at your Advisement session.

What are Areas of Interest (AoI)? 

Areas of Interest (AoIs) are justice-related focus areas that will allow you to do some initial exploration as you get started at John Jay. Each AoI is led by a cohort mentor that will connect you with like-minded students and give you tailored recommendations for resources, campus events, guest speakers, and research opportunities that are relevant to you. After your first semester, you’ll be able to revisit your Area of Interest and decide if you want to stick with it or explore some more!

What are First Year Seminars (FYS)? 

Your First Year Seminar (FYS) broadly aligns with your AoI and is a small, hands-on class in which you work closely with your professor and classmates to explore justice issues and what it means to be a fierce advocate for justice. You’ll have the opportunity to conduct research guided by your professor and share it at the end-of-semester  First Year Student Showcase. To ensure you have what you need to succeed in this course and your first year at John Jay, you will be supported by a Student Success Team comprised of your FYS professor, peer success coach, staff mentor, and academic advisor. This team will provide ongoing guidance, answer your questions about college, connect you with a ton of resources, and keep you informed about upcoming deadlines, events, and opportunities. 

Choose an Area of Interest and then a First Year Seminar

  1. Choose an Area of Interest (AoI). Check out a few of the AoIs below and consider what you’d like to explore in your first semester. No need to worry too much about this choice! During the fall semester, you’ll dive deeper into your initial area of interest AND have the opportunity to explore many other options.
  2. Choose your First Year Seminar. Read through the course descriptions of the First Year Seminars in your selected AoI and consider three or more that interest you.

Programs with Application Requirements