About the Dept of Law, Police Science & Criminal Justice

Our classes, which blend theory and vision with hands-on experience, are taught by faculty that includes full-time and adjunct professors from diverse backgrounds with research interests in all areas of policing, corrections, security and law. Their academic credentials are equally diverse. Our faculty combine academic and practical experience in the criminal justice professions.  In addition to those who concentrate specifically on criminal justice studies, others include lawyers, sociologists, criminologists, historians, philosophers and psychologists -- all united by their interests in research, teaching, and public policy development affecting the national and international criminal justice professions.

To accommodate this complex field of study, our department offers a variety of undergraduate majors and minors that prepare our students for public safety and criminal justice careers as well as for graduate and professional schools. Many of our faculty members also teach in the master’s degree programs and in the CUNY doctoral programs.

Our students are drawn from diverse backgrounds. They are recent high school graduates exploring career choices, men and women from scores of criminal justice agencies, professionals advancing their careers, those planning second careers, and some who just want the opportunity to learn from the foremost experts in the field. Our students come from New York City and surrounding areas, from localities across the nation, and around the globe. Classes are held days, nights, and weekends both in the classroom and online.