Virtual Internship Experiences: Alumna Je’nee Fisher ’20 Gets Hands-On Experience with the Southern District of New York

When Je’nee Fisher ’20, an International Criminal Justice major, learned that her in-field internship would be postponed due to the Covid-19 health crisis, she jumped at the chance of having a virtual internship with the Mediation Program of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (SDNY Mediation Program). “It’s so important for students to have an internship before graduating, and I was determined to not waste my final semester or this incredible opportunity,” says Fisher, who earned her bachelor’s degree and Certificate in Dispute Resolution this past May. “Internships are a stepping stone to success and have proven to be beneficial for students entering into the workforce. Not only do they enhance your skill set and increase your network, internships also help pave the way for you to enter the career of your dreams.”

“Internships are a stepping stone to success and have proven to be beneficial for students entering into the workforce.” —Je’nee Fisher

Adapting to a Changing World

Helping students, like Fisher, navigate the new virtual internship environment was Sociology Professor, Maria Volpe, Ph.D., who also happens to be the Director of the Dispute Resolution Program at John Jay College and Director of the CUNY Dispute Resolution Center. “In March, 53 of our students in the Dispute Resolution Certificate program at John Jay had their internship work suspended or terminated because of the pandemic,” explains Volpe. “In an effort to help them, we reached out to a wide range of organizations asking if they had a need for interns who could assist with their work remotely. Many of the organizations, including the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (SDNY), responded with awesome, meaningful virtual opportunities for our students. In the months that have followed, we’ve received high praise for the work our students are doing.”

Emphasizing the valuable role Volpe played in ensuring students could acclimate to the virtual experience, Fisher points to how Volpe walked students through virtual Zoom tutorials, provided guidance on how to conduct themselves professionally, and was there when anything was needed. “Professor Volpe has always been amazing. She’s super positive and thoughtful with her words, which energizes students. She really makes us feel like we can achieve anything we set our mind to.”

“John Jay’s ADR and Sociology classes really equipped me with the tools I needed to fully understand what was happening in each of the cases I worked on during my internship.” —Je’nee Fisher

Using her John Jay Education

Pointing proudly to the education she’s received at John Jay, Fisher says her classes in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and Sociology helped prepare her for the internship at SDNY. “Prior to taking those courses, I didn’t know much about mediation. In those classes I learned what is expected of a mediator, how mediators should conduct themselves, the importance of confidentiality, and how to remove biases so you can remain neutral,” says Fisher. “John Jay’s ADR and Sociology classes really equipped me with the tools I needed to fully understand what was happening in each of the cases I worked on during my internship, the valuable role mediators play, and how diverse approaches can yield a positive outcome.”

Fisher (top right) sits in on a Zoom call with Rebecca Price, Director of the SDNY Mediation Program, and Rachel Nicotra, SDNY mediator
Fisher (top right) sits in on a Zoom call with Rebecca Price, Director of the SDNY Mediation Program (center), and Rachel Nicotra, SDNY mediator (top left)

Engaging in a Virtual Experience

Working at the SDNY Mediation Program since March has been everything Fisher could hope for from an internship opportunity. “Even though it’s virtual, I’m getting real hands-on experience,” she says. “I’m sitting in on cases and witnessing firsthand how attorneys work and conduct themselves in mediation. This internship is giving me a chance to be fully immersed in the environment and learn the culture and the language. It’s really was and continues to be an amazing learning experience.”

“During the pandemic, the SDNY Mediation Program would not have been able to function without the assistance of bright, engaged, creative and patient interns, like Je’nee Fisher.” ­—Rebecca Price, Director of the SDNY Mediation Program

According to Rebecca Price, Director of the SDNY Mediation Program, Fisher has proven to be an integral person to have on the SDNY team—so much so that Fisher is continuing to intern with the team this summer. “We were all diving in blind into this new online initiative and Je’nee was professional, curious, and unflappable in the face of inevitable technical issues. She put the mediators at ease, created instructional videos, answered their questions, and conveyed her confidence that this could work,” says Price. “During the pandemic, the SDNY Mediation Program would not have been able to function without the assistance of bright, engaged, creative and patient interns like Je’nee Fisher.”

Learning from the Experts

Engaging with and learning from SDNY mediators was something Fisher didn’t take for granted. “The SDNY mediators really validated my presence. They showed that they valued my input and perspective and went out of their way to ask me for my opinions on mediations, which is a boost in confidence because they wanted me to contribute,” says Fisher. The mediators also championed her dream of becoming a lawyer. “The mediators I worked with asked me what law schools I had my eye on, and when I gave them my response, they said ‘aim higher.’ They really believe I could go to a top tier law school and that’s incredibly motivating because these people are some of the best in the industry and they see my potential.”

“After this internship, I’m adding something else to my list of goals. I’d like to pursue a career in mediation, and provide mediation services, pro bono, on the side.” —Je’nee Fisher

Crediting her internship with SDNY with providing her with affirmation that she’s on the right path, Fisher shares how the experience helped her narrow down her future goals. “My plan has always been to go to law school, get my Juris Doctorate, and focus on intellectual property law as well as international commercial arbitration. But after this internship, I’m adding something else to my list of goals. I’d like to pursue a career in mediation, and provide mediation services, pro bono, on the side. This wonderful internship showed me I have what it takes to be a successful lawyer and crystalized for me that this is the right career for me.”