President Karol V. Mason, Letitia James, Jasmine Awad, and Elza Kochueva
Student Council President and Vice President Meet New York Attorney General Letitia James

What’s it like to rub shoulders with one of our state’s highest elected officials? John Jay Student Council President, Jasmine Awad, and Vice President Elza Kochueva were lucky enough to spend time with Letitia James, New York’s new Attorney General, when she came to John Jay on January 6 for her ceremonial swearing-in ceremony. We spoke to the two of them to learn more about what it was like meeting James and the issues they’d like her to tackle while serving as New York Attorney General.  

“I walked into the room excited to be meeting such an inspirational woman, yet Tish was more focused on my accomplishments.” —Jasmine Awad, Student Council President

What was it like meeting New York Attorney General Letitia James?
JA: I was so grateful that I had the opportunity to meet Tish privately. When I met her, and she learned that I was the Student Government President, she curtsied and instantly referred to me as “Madame President.” It was such a sweet thing for her to do, and a humbling experience for me because I walked into the room excited to be meeting such an inspirational woman, yet Tish was more focused on my accomplishments. Tish said, “Now, imagine if the President and Vice President of our country were both women?” She loved that there was so much women representation in our college.

EK: The first time I met Letitia James in person was during the Attorney General debate back in September, when John Jay hosted the event. I was honored to be selected as a John Jay student ambassador and I got the chance to meet all four of the candidates. It was definitely one of the most memorable days of my life. Anyone who meets her can see her passion for the hard-working New Yorkers. There is something about her energy that keeps you thinking, “Wow she really does care about New Yorkers.” 

New York Attorney General Letitia James speaking to the crowd at John Jay
New York Attorney General Letitia James speaking to the crowd at John Jay

“Anyone who meets her can see her passion for the hard-working New Yorkers.” — Elza Kochueva, Student Council Vice President

When you heard her address to the crowd, what stood out to you the most?
JA: I really appreciated how Tish started off her address by thanking every single person that has helped her reach her journey. She honestly didn’t make this event about herself. She made it about all of us. Something that was personally important to me was that she reminded everyone that she was just a regular person who grew up in Brooklyn. I grew up in Brooklyn too, so that could easily be me, or any of the people who surround me on a daily basis at John Jay. We need more people like Tish to be an example for young people, because oftentimes we don’t think it’s possible to reach our dreams, but if Tish did it, we can do it too. 

EK: One of the many things that stood out to me during her speech was her background. When I think about people in power, I always assume that they were privileged during their lifetime, and that this privilege helped them to achieve what they have now. However, Letitia James is definitely different from many of them. She mentioned how hard her parents—who came from the South—worked and how they raised their kids to work hard as well. Her speech reminded me of my parents, who came to this country and work hard every day. This made me realize that our parents set up a foundation for us to achieve the things that we want to accomplish, and we have to try to make them proud of us.

What topics would you like her to focus on, and how would you like her to tackle those topics?
JA: I’m extremely passionate about tackling criminal justice issues, especially focusing on youth justice. During Tish’s address she mentioned that she would be working with Congressman Hakeem Jeffries on criminal justice reform, and I specifically remember during the New York Attorney General debates, that in order for me to solidify my vote on a candidate, their stance on mass incarceration was important. The advice I would give Tish would be to reach out to youth who have been personally impacted by the justice system and listen to what they think is needed for reform. Quite honestly, this can go for any issue we are trying to tackle. Reach out to the source affected by the issue and gather information directly from them. They know what is needed more than anyone else.

EK: One of the most important topics for me, as an immigrant, is the continuation of work for immigrants. They play a crucial part in New York’s population, and we can’t let them down. I really hope that Ms. James continues her efforts to protect immigrants and immigration laws, and that she will not let others abuse the system. I would encourage Ms. James to expand free English classes for immigrants in order to help them learn the language and simultaneously prepare them for the U.S. Citizenship Naturalization Test.

John Jay students enjoying some time with New York Attorney General Letitia James
John Jay students enjoying some time with New York Attorney General Letitia James

“Tish being New York’s first black Attorney General, and the first woman elected to the position creates more room for hope.” — Jasmine Awad, Student Council President

Letitia James is the state’s first black Attorney General, and the first woman elected to the position. What does this fact mean to you?
JA: In many ways within government, we are moving in the right direction. This is the first time in history that our House and Senate have the most women representation, and we have broken so many historical records of having women of color in Congress. Having someone close to home like Tish being New York’s first black Attorney General, and the first woman elected to the position creates more room for hope. As an Egyptian woman, I need to know that people representing me understand me. No one will understand me more than another woman of color.  

EK: Letitia James definitely gives me confidence to pursue a political career sometime in the future. For many years, I was discouraged when I witnessed the lack of women of color in politics. However, 2019 has so far been one of the most meaningful years for women. Along with Letitia James as New York’s Attorney General, we have plenty of women in the House of Representatives. I have great examples, and now I feel more confident to pursue political opportunities in the future. I am thankful for all the women who ran for offices and made such a significant change on behalf of all of us. 

What would you say to your fellow John Jay classmates to inspire them to attend future events?
JA: John Jay students are very fortunate for the amount of opportunities that are presented to us from outside entities. We always have politicians and other impactful organizations host events at the College. I was excited to learn that Tish’s ceremony would be hosted here because it made it so much easier for me to attend. Not only was Letitia there, but so was Loretta Lynch, Hakeem Jeffries, Chuck Schumer, and Kathy Hochul. That was a powerful moment to encounter because they were all in support of Tish and it showed that our representation will be even stronger. We always talk about the importance of voting, and there is a gap in the number of youth who actually vote. If we have events like these hosted at our College, where students can ask direct questions that would allow them to understand how voting impacts them and their families, they should attend. We need to learn that it’s necessary to show up and speak out.

EK: Imagine being in a room full of people who support you and believe in you. You hear “Girl on Fire” by Alicia Keys being played, and you literally have tears in your eyes from the overwhelming atmosphere. Then you spot her in the center of the room, Letitia James, who accomplished being elected to one of the most important jobs in our state. You sit in the third row from the stage with a senator, an assemblyman, and a council member. Although you still have a lot ahead of you, you belong there. It’s very inspiring to be in the same room with such amazing people, because you know that no matter what problems and obstacles you have, they have been there too. They managed to find a solution, and so will you.

The event was packed with governmental luminaries. Did you get a chance to connect with any of them?
JA: Congressman Hakeem Jeffries is actually one of my favorite people and I was very excited to see that he was at this event. This past summer, I interned in Washington D.C. for the Campaign for Youth Justice, and my bosses frequently allowed me to attend events or meetings around the city so that I could expand my knowledge and networking abilities. At one of those events, the American Enterprise Institute, I met Congressman Jeffries where he discussed criminal justice reform, noting that prison reform brings the left and the right together. Every time he speaks, it’s so powerful, and I recognized that he wasn’t reading off of any papers, which shows how genuine his support for Tish really is. 

EK: It was inspiring to hear from Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul, because during her speech I believed in the importance of women empowerment. I’m super proud of Kathy Hochul and Letitia James, who have been through a lot, and yet they are currently holding two of the most important offices in the state. I have two perfect examples that inspire me every day and they should inspire you as well.

“If someone ever asks me, at what moment did you decide to run for office? I will say, when Letitia James told me to change the world for the better.” — Elza Kochueva, Student Council Vice President

If you had to choose one moment from the event that stood out to you, what would you choose and why?

JA: Honestly, I would have to say the most powerful moment was watching the actual swearing in of Tish. The entire room was standing, focused on this one moment. That moment indicated a shift in power, and more importantly, a new beginning. I have a lot of faith in Tish and I’m going to pay close attention to her work and how she reaches her goals and fulfils her promises.

EK: My favorite moment was when Jasmine and I had the privilege to meet Letitia James in a private setting. She told us to go and change the world, and I thought to myself, this is the moment that I will recall for the rest of my life. If someone ever asks me, at what moment did you decide to run for office? I will say, when Letitia James told me to change the world for the better.