John Jay College
Statement from President Jeremy Travis on the New York State Budget

April 10, 2017

Dear Colleagues,

With the final enactment of the budget for the State of New York last night, we should take a moment to celebrate the budget’s good news for our College, the City University of New York, and the mission of public higher education beyond our boundaries. Most importantly, we applaud the enactment of Governor Cuomo’s Excelsior scholarship program which will provide free tuition to thousands of middle class families across the state.  This landmark legislation sets the pace for the rest of the country.  Here in New York, this investment in our students will result in more students graduating without the crushing burden of student loans.  These graduates will in turn contribute to our economy, thereby repaying the state’s investment in their education.

With Governor Cuomo’s leadership, the Legislature has also approved a five-year predictable tuition plan under which tuition for senior colleges may be increased up to $200 a year.  This will allow us to make much needed investments in faculty hiring and student services.  The state budget also provides additional support for our basic operations, raises the cap on the Tuition Assistance Program, invests in critical maintenance and capital programs, and creates an innovative funding initiative for online textbooks for our students.  These investments will ensure that CUNY continues to provide high quality and innovative education to our students.

Below is the statement from CUNY Chancellor James Milliken and Chairman of the Board of Trustees, William Thompson.

We are grateful to Governor Cuomo and the state Legislature for this vote of confidence in our faculty, students and staff and for this timely support for our mission of providing high quality and affordable college education.

Jeremy Travis

Statement on the New York State budget from Chairman of the Board of Trustees William C. Thompson Jr. and Chancellor James B. Milliken
The City University of New York 

Under Governor Cuomo’s leadership, New York State has passed a farsighted budget that opens the door to a college education for more New Yorkers and enhances the quality of higher education. The Governor’s landmark Excelsior scholarship program provides free tuition to thousands of middle class families, making our state a national leader. This is an investment in our students, and our state, that will pay dividends for years to come. The budget also provides substantial support for CUNY’s facilities and provides much needed operational funding. And, in another significant boost to our students, the state will be providing innovative support for online textbooks that will greatly reduce the cost for thousands of CUNY students. We are grateful for Governor Cuomo's leadership in expanding access to affordable, quality college education for so many New Yorkers, helping ensure that we have the educated and skilled workforce that is necessary to grow the economy for a better New York for all.