State of the College Address by President Travis
State of the College Address by President Travis

On April 26,  President Jeremy Travis delivered his final State of the College address, documenting the remarkable progress the College has made over the past dozen years and pointing to opportunities for change and reform in the next chapter of the John Jay story:

“We are gathered together today for one of the signature ceremonies in our annual calendar, the time when we step back from our day-to-day activities to assess the State of our College. I recognize that this State of the College address is different because it is the last one I will deliver as your President. This provides us an opportunity to look back at the progress we have made over the last dozen years. We have much to celebrate—indeed, we can say without hesitation that John Jay is a college transformed—but we should also be clear that much remains to be done. As we embrace the challenges that lie ahead we can also be proud, very proud, of the John Jay success story.”

To read the full speech, please click here.