Sarah M. Dorismond
Senior Spotlight: Sarah M. Dorismond ’21 Overcomes Homelessness During the Pandemic and Graduates on Time with Help From SEEK

When the Covid-19 health crisis led to shutting down schools and businesses across New York City, SEEK graduating senior Sarah M. Dorismond ’21 lost her job and found herself homeless. “The pandemic was beyond challenging, but I didn’t come this far just to quit, especially during my final year,” says Dorismond, a Sociology major who also minored in Africana Studies and Theatre Arts. “I was motivated to keep going. I slept on friends’ couches, found myself a full-time job, and continued my five classes at the College. It wasn’t easy, but I was determined to graduate.” Dorismond was far from alone facing this challenging situation. The Covid-19 pandemic led to a 50 percent increase in food insecurity and homelessness for students across the City University of New York (CUNY) system, with relief often coming in the form of access to food pantries and student emergency funds.

Following graduation, Dorismond plans to take a year off to build up her fashion business, study for the LSAT, and continue working as a 911 operator for the City. Then she’s setting her sights on going to law school. “John Jay taught me to believe in myself and in my dreams. I’m hoping to use the money I make from my clothing line and working at 911 to pay for law school. I don’t want any student debt. I want to become a fashion lawyer so that I can feel empowered as a business owner who understands the law and contracts. I want to protect myself and my business.” Dorismond shared with us her path to John Jay and what she envisions for her future.

“I was motivated to keep going. I slept on friends’ couches, found myself a full-time job, and continued my five classes at the College.” —Sarah M. Dorismond

What was life like before John Jay?
Growing up, all the schools I went to were “zone schools”—which are usually underserved and severely underfunded. In high school, I wasn’t given the tools that would take me to the next level in life. I received no guidance and had teachers who told me that I would never make it to college. I didn’t understand the power a college degree could have on my economic standing. Because of that, I almost didn’t apply to college. But thank goodness for my grandparents, they really believed in me and instilled in me the importance of having an education. They explained that education is the most valuable tool you can have and that no one can take it away from you.

What made you want to come to John Jay?
I wanted to study at John Jay because of its focus on the law. When I came to tour the campus, I fell in love with the Jay Walk and community hour. The fact that there was this space where students can engage and connect with one another and with leadership at the College, that sounded wonderful to me. It told me that John Jay valued its students, their experiences, and their input. Then, when I learned of John Jay’s SEEK program and saw how supportive they were of students, helping with tuition and book costs, offering guidance and advice, I knew John Jay was for me.

“ When I learned of John Jay’s SEEK program and saw how supportive they were of students, helping with tuition and book costs, offering guidance and advice, I knew John Jay was for me.” —Sarah M. Dorismond

If you had to point to one organization, cohort, person or place at John Jay that made your experience incredibly fulfilling, supportive, and/or productive, what/who would that be and why?
Definitely John Jay’s SEEK Department. The SEEK staff became like family to me. They believed in me and helped propel my academic success. I’ve had the pleasure of working with all the counselors and the head of the department. When you have good, caring, smart, and dedicated people like Monica Son, Erica King-Toler, and Delmar Dualeh believe in you, it changes your outlook on the future, and it boosts your confidence. They’ve been so influential and helped me be productive and find fulfillment throughout my John Jay journey.

“When you have good, caring, smart, and dedicated people like Monica Son, Erica King-Toler, and Delmar Dualeh believe in you, it changes your outlook on the future, and it boosts your confidence.” —Sarah M. Dorismond

What achievement are you particularly proud of accomplishing?
Academically, I’m proud of being inducted into the Chi Alpha Epsilon (XAE) National Honors Society due to my GPA standing of 3.5 for two consecutive semesters and my maintaining above 3.0 GPA throughout my college career. I’m also really proud to have been a peer mentor at the College. Every student I worked with helped keep me grounded, and watching them strive for excellence inspired me to do the same. As a peer mentor, one of my favorite John Jay memories was the SEEK Department’s service trip to Puerto Rico. I had never left the continental U.S. before, so this experience in cultural differences was terrific for me. I felt so happy working with SEEK Counselor Christian Luperon and other peer mentors rehabilitating two homes for families affected by FEMA funding loss. Being there in Puerto Rico and helping out those families made me grateful for all the things I have in life.

If all goes well, where do you see yourself in five years? Why is this your current goal?
In five years, I see myself growing my fashion line, expanding my business, and being a fashion lawyer. I want to be able to look out for my company and protect it because I never want to be in a situation where I’m financially struggling again. I also want to help others protect their companies. We should all be able to do things that make us happy and enjoy all that life has to offer. Because of John Jay, I know I can achieve my dreams. My John Jay journey has made me a self-driven force to be reckoned with.