Estefania Solis
Senior Spotlight: National Guardswoman Estefania Solis ’21 Earns Her Degree While Working in a Covid-19 Vaccination Site

Growing up in Panama City, Panama, Estefania Solis ’21 never foresaw herself working at a vaccination site during a global pandemic, but she did envision herself working for a federal agency or possibly going to law school. Once she found John Jay, she knew it was the gateway to her future. “I used to live in Panama, where I grew up for 20 years, surrounded by my family and friends,” says Solis. “Then I transferred to John Jay from Florida State University in order to pursue my dream of studying Criminology in New York City where I could make valuable connections.” We sat down with the Criminology major to find out more about her journey at John Jay.

What made you want to come to John Jay?
I heard about this school being one of the best in the field, and I’ve always loved New York City and saw myself ending up here in the future. I wanted to do something different and decided to take this journey by myself and start from scratch—of course, with the support of my family.

“I found myself having two part-time jobs, a full class schedule, and National Guard work, but I don’t regret it because it made me stronger.”  —Estefania Solis

When you first came to John Jay, what were some of your biggest challenges? How did you overcome them?
When I came to John Jay, I had no idea on how to start and didn’t know how to cover my financial costs. It was hard at first, running around trying to get to know all kinds of resources and knowing the deadlines had passed; I started during a spring semester. So I ended up getting a loan. I was so motivated and tried to take every opportunity I could, including joining the military. Fortunately, that opened many doors for me and I was able to secure really good internships where I met incredible people. I found myself having two part-time jobs, a full class schedule, and National Guard work, but I don’t regret it because it made me stronger. Being in the National Guard is a job that’s around the clock, but I love it because I get to work with my fellow soldiers and we have a lot of camaraderie.

Estefania Solis
Estefania Solis

“Being able to work with the people who are in charge of the school and to learn from them was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.” —Estefania Solis

If you had to point to one organization, cohort, person, or place at John Jay that made your experience especially fulfilling, supportive, or productive, what would that be and why?
This is a hard one, but I will say working in the President’s Office as a student intern. This job seemed way out of my league when I applied and I could not believe I got it. Being able to work with the people who are in charge of the school and to learn from them was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. My supervisors and fellow interns became like family to me and they’re still there whenever I need them. Dick Pusateri, the Manager of the Military & Veteran Services Center, and my advisor Hugo Monroy-Caceres, were both incredibly supportive throughout my journey at John Jay.

Estefania Solis

What academic achievement are you particularly proud of accomplishing?
Graduating as a Summa Cum Laude. I wasn’t expecting that, especially after holding so many jobs and extracurricular activities.

Living through the pandemic has been a challenge for everyone—especially students juggling jobs, family responsibilities, classes, and the mental stress of living through a global health crisis. Can you describe what your experience has been like? What was especially difficult? What was especially inspiring?
It’s definitely been hard being someone who lives by herself in this big city. I saw how all of my friends went back to their home country, and I felt lonely at first. Fortunately, I was activated with my National Guard unit, and my fellow soldiers became my family. We got to play an important role during the Covid-19 response. We started working in a morgue, then at a testing site, and now I’m working at a vaccination site at Yankee Stadium. It was challenging having to deal with pandemic response work and school, but my professors were really helpful and I still managed to graduate on time.

“It was challenging having to deal with pandemic response work and school, but my professors were really helpful and I still managed to graduate on time.” —Estefania Solis

What do you hope to do after you graduate from John Jay? 
Hopefully, I’ll end up working with the federal government, but I also have law school in mind. Right now, I’m preparing myself for the Law School Admission Test and law school applications.

Is there someone special that’s particularly proud of your accomplishment? Who are they and what would you like to say to them?
My whole family, but especially my mom. She has done so much for me and supported me in every step I’ve made. She celebrates my accomplishments more than I celebrate them myself, and she is living her dream through my life. I will always be grateful for having her in my life. I owe her everything.

Please finish this sentence: Because of John Jay…
Because of John Jay I can accomplish my dream. This school shaped me and gave me every opportunity I’ve had here. I’m truly thankful for everyone I’ve met here.