Angel Familia
Senior Spotlight: Angel Familia ’22, NYPD, Advocates for Deaf Community

“As the child of two deaf adults, my first language was American Sign Language.” —Angel Familia ’22

When New York City Police Department (NYPD) Officer Angel Familia ’22 was in elementary school his teachers assumed he was deaf. “As the child of two deaf adults, my first language was American Sign Language (ASL). I was taught it by my parents and I had to go to school to learn how to speak verbally,” says Familia, who majored in police studies. “It was culture shock when I went to elementary school. Everyone was speaking and it was nerve-wracking hearing their voices. I just sat there very quietly in class.” 

Five-year-old Familia signing “I love you”
Five-year-old Familia signing “I love you”

“I had a passion for the police department and serving the deaf community. I wanted to be the bridge to the deaf community.” —Angel Familia ’22

Helping His Family
The oldest of four children, Familia shouldered many family responsibilities. It was his job to help his siblings learn how to speak verbally and act as the interpreter between his parents and the hearing world. “My mother would say, ‘You’re coming with me to this doctor’s appointment.’ And my father would say, ‘We’re buying a new car. Come with me to the dealership,’” says Familia. “It was just something I did for my family. Over time, it became a talent and a future career.”

Familia (front, center) with his family
Familia (front, center) with his family

Enriching the NYPD
Growing up in the South Bronx, Familia witnessed crime and poverty. “My interactions with police officers weren’t always great, but I was fascinated by police officers,” he explains. In high school, Familia met Alden Foster, NYPD Director of Youth Services and Community Engagement and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Law, Police Science, and Criminal Justice. “Director Foster explained that knowing sign language was a talent—a very scarce but needed talent,” says Familia. “I had a passion for the police department and serving the deaf community. I wanted to be the bridge to the deaf community.” 

Serving the Deaf Community
Familia now works with the NYPD’s Community Affairs Bureau, engaging with the deaf community across the city. “I have the opportunity to connect with the deaf community and let them know what resources we can offer them,” he says. “I recently interpreted for a deaf individual who was in a car accident. He was incredibly nervous. When I started to interpret, you could see the relief on his face. Having a person in uniform signing gives deaf people the reassurance they need to communicate with law enforcement.”

Police Officer Familia (center) engaging with the deaf community
Police Officer Familia (center) engaging with community members

“Having a person in uniform signing gives deaf people the reassurance they need to communicate with law enforcement.” —Angel Familia ’22

Educating the Hearing Community
Part of my job is educating hearing people and dispelling misconceptions about deaf people,” says Familia. “Hearing people tend to think that all deaf people can read lips, which isn’t true. Deaf people have jobs. Deaf people drive. I want to open up their world. I want deaf people and hard-of-hearing people to go back to their communities and say, ‘Somebody in the police department helped me.’”