Professor Brotherton Honored at Annual Criminology Conference

The 71st annual American Society of Criminology conference, held November 18-21 in Washington, D.C., was once again a tour de force for John Jay, with scores of faculty, staff and students presenting papers and posters, and participating in panel discussions and roundtables.

Professor David Brotherton provided one of the conference highlights for John Jay when he received the DCC Praxis Award from the ASC’s Division of Critical Criminology. The award, now in just its second year, honors unique achievements in activism, commitment, persuasion, scholarship, service and teaching in areas that have made a significant impact on the quality of justice for underserved, underrepresented, and otherwise marginalized populations.

Faculty members were well represented in the ASC’s “Author Meets Critics” sessions. Presenting authors included Brotherton (Youth Street Gangs: A Critical Appraisal), and his Sociology Department colleague Barry Spunt (Heroin and Music in New York City). The critics in these sessions included Professors Rosemary Barberet and Jayne Mooney of the sociology department, Mangai Natarajan and Michael Maxfield of the Department of Criminal Justice, and Klaus von Lampe and Delores Jones-Brown of the Department of Law, Police Science and Criminal Justice Administration.

President Jeremy Travis chaired a Presidential Plenary session on “The Politics of Policing American Cities,” and participated in a panel on the 50th anniversary of the U.S. Crime Commission, its legacy and whether a new aone is needed.

John Jay hosted a reception on November 20 for members of the College community at the ASC conference and alumni in the Capital area.