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New Yorkers Pay $40 Million+ Annually for Gun Violence Hospital Bills

Report from John Jay College Research & Evaluation Center Details High Cost of Gun Injuries

More than 70 percent of total treatment costs for gunshot wounds in New York are borne by taxpayers, principally through Medicaid, according to a new study from the Research & Evaluation Center at John Jay College of Criminal Justice (REC).

Between 2010 and 2020, total hospital costs resulting from gunshot injuries in New York City amounted to $469 million in constant dollars (i.e., adjusted for inflation).

Read the whole report

Also found in the study; The Bronx and Brooklyn accounted for 71% of city hospital treatment costs paid by public money.

The study, a REC DataBits report, looked at state healthcare billing records and their payment sources. It does not include accidents or self-harm.