Students sitting on the Jay Walk Steps
Money Magazine Ranks John Jay College in Top Quarter of “Best Colleges for Your Money”

John Jay College of Criminal Justice was ranked in the top quarter of Money magazine’s latest Best Colleges for Your Money list.  Out of 711 institutions ranked, John Jay was 154, placing it among five CUNY schools to make the list including Brooklyn College, Queens College, Hunter College and Baruch which came in at number two, just behind Princeton University.

“This ranking proves that when it comes to educational excellence, John Jay stands side by side with the best in the nation,” said President Jeremy Travis.  “I continue to be inspired by the success of our students, and the accomplishments of our alumni.”

Money magazine’s college rankings are widely respected because of their sound methodology. According to the article, “Money ranks colleges based on 27 measures of educational quality, affordability, and alumni success. And this year we gave weight to new data developed by Stanford economist Raj Chetty that shows how many low-income students schools propelled into the upper middle class over the past 20 years—pointing to colleges that help students achieve the American dream.”

Rankings such as these are widely read among prospective students and their families as the rising costs of college tuition have come under increasing scrutiny during recent years, and students face the realization that graduating from an expensive college doesn’t necessarily guarantee a high-paying job, but it almost certainly guarantees a high level of debt. Cost has become one of the chief factors for students deciding where to enroll. “You've heard of the Ivy League? Nowadays, bragging rights are going to colleges in what we'll dub the Paycheck League—schools that the real numbers show provide a boost in the job market,” said Kim Clark, author of the article for Money.

CUNY has received media attention, most recently in a recent New York Times article, for its success in providing affordable education that boosts low-income students into the middle class, reinforcing its role as a powerful engine for social mobility.

“College rankings can vary in usefulness, but Money magazine’s methodology is refreshing and very practical because of its focus on student success, not just inputs.  It’s not surprising that Money magazine’s assessment confirms what so many have consistently found,” Chancellor James B. Milliken said. “CUNY schools offer high-quality education, great access and affordability, and a tremendous boost up the social ladder. CUNY has become America’s premier urban university by providing generations of low- and middle-income students the means to achieve their aspirations.” 

Previously, John Jay was ranked number ten in the nation for student social mobility, according to a report from The Equality of Opportunity Project.  The report, entitled Mobility Report Cards: The Role of Colleges in Intergenerational Mobility, showed that of the 54% of John Jay students who come from lower-income families, 61.1% later rise to the top 40% in higher income.

Previously, John Jay was ranked number ten in the nation for student social mobility, according to a report from The Equality of Opportunity Project.  The report, entitled Mobility Report Cards: The Role of Colleges in Intergenerational Mobility, showed that of the 54% of John Jay students who come from lower-income families, 61.1% later rise to the top 40% in higher income.