Michael G. Hyde ’21, John Jay student and Online Education Advocate
Michael G. Hyde ’21 Highlights the Ease and Flexibility of Online Learning

As our community prepares to transition to a new distance-learning model, we reached out to John Jay students who’ve already successfully completed John Jay classes online. These students have mastered Blackboard, they’ve participated in online discussion groups, they’ve reached out to their professors digitally, and they fully understand the benefits of online education.

Michael G. Hyde ’21 has taken multiple online courses over the last two years, and wants to let his peers know that transitioning to online learning is not as daunting as it seems. “I know the idea of taking online courses can be scary to those that have never done it, but Blackboard is super easy to use. It’s like learning to ride a bike, where as soon as you figure out how to use it, you’re not going to forget,” says Hyde, who’s majoring in Criminal Justice Management. We chatted with Hyde to learn more about his online learning experience, and what tips he has for the John Jay community on navigating this new educational reality together.

What made you want to take online courses? What courses did you take?
I wanted to take online courses because it was convenient for me to gain experience working in an online capacity. I learned early on that my major has a lot of courses that are hybrids, where we learn in the classroom and online, so having the online experience early on was a huge advantage. I took Anthropology 230, Culture and Crime; Literature 239, Science in the Making; and Police Studies 101, Intro to Law Enforcement all online.

“Online learning is easy to fit into your lifestyle because you’re able to take courses at your own pace and complete work on your own time, when it’s most convenient for you.” —Michael G. Hyde

Can you tell us about some of the advantages of online learning? How easy was it to fit online learning into your lifestyle?
There are a lot of advantages to online learning. My favorite is not having to lug books around. The only thing required is my laptop, usually. Online learning is easy to fit into your lifestyle because you’re able to take courses at your own pace and complete work on your own time, when it’s most convenient for you, while still adhering to due dates. That flexibility, of not having to be in the classroom at a specific time is also beneficial when you have to balance other things in life.

What are the benefits of online learning?
Taking online courses enabled me to continue my education while furthering my personal and professional development. For example, I took LIT 239 while interning with the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington D.C.

Was it easy to learn and navigate Blackboard?
Blackboard is very user-friendly. Initially, it was difficult to grasp, but navigation became much easier the more I used it. And, once I got the hang of it, it was super easy.

What support was available to you while taking these online courses?
My primary source of support was my professor and classmates, as some of them were already familiar with Blackboard and its mechanics. CUNY’s official website also offers support, as does John Jay.

In what way does the online learning environment help prepare you for the work environment?
There is almost no limit to the practical benefits of online learning as it forces you to approach your work in a very head-on kind of way that in-person classes might not. The online learning environment elevates one’s understanding of responsibility, time management, communication, and writing skills.

“My favorite part about the online experience is the freedom it allows for me to be a student and a young adult. I have a flexible schedule and take courses at my own pace.” —Michael G. Hyde

What was your favorite part of the online learning experience?
My favorite part about the online experience is the freedom it allows for me to be a student and a young adult. I have a flexible schedule and take courses at my own pace. Additionally, the discussion boards are often used to hold Q&A forums with students in your class. So, a question can be asked by any student and answered by the professor for other students to see as well, an advantage that is not available in in-person classes because if you’re not there when the question is asked, you’ve simply missed out. Bringing the class online means you never miss out on the class discussion.

What do you want your peers to know about online learning?
I want my peers to know that everyone can succeed in an online learning platform. The keys to success will be communication between you, your professors, and your peers. And of course, practice.

What advice would you give to students who may currently be feeling apprehensive about the online learning experience?
I know the experience can be daunting, especially if it is new to you, but I promise you’ll get it. Explore the platform on your own a bit, become familiar with it, and if there is anything you can’t figure out, know that your professors and the rest of the John Jay community are here to help you.

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