(top row, left to right) Stephanie Ortiz ’26, Fatihah Moien ’26, Patricia Dianne Carias ’24 (bottom row, left to right) Akiana Smith ’24, Jasmine Zacamitzin ’27, and Dinorah Garcia Vasquez ’24
Meet Our Newest Bloodhounds

The fall 2022 semester is off to a successful start and we connected with new students across different majors and programs to learn more about our newest Bloodhounds.

Stephanie OrtizStephanie Ortiz ’26

Major: Forensic Psychology
Program: Early Start
Hometown: Bronx, NY
Future Career Goal: FBI Special Agent

“After my experience with Early Start, I walked into my fall 2022 semester with confidence. Throughout Early Start I learned what life and coursework would be like as a college student. My Early Start teacher, Professor Christopher Moore, made class fun, engaging, and educational. He broke down how to write papers, showed us how to hook an audience, explained how to take constructive feedback, and described how to present ideas in front of the class. In the short time I’ve been here, I’ve become better at communicating and I’m a more confident writer. Before John Jay, I only thought about the present moment; now I’m focused on my future and what I want my life to look like in 10 years.”


Fatihah MoienFatihah Moien ’26

Major: Forensic Psychology
Program: Accelerate Complete Engage (ACE)
Hometown: Long Island, NY
Future Career Goal: Federal Agent

“The networking you can get from this College is huge for the career I want to pursue—and being offered the ACE program was the cherry on top. Talking to Xenia Machado, my ACE academic advisor, has gotten me through these first few weeks. There was a moment where I came to her stressed out about my classwork and not being able to make friends. She helped me get organized and showed me opportunities to meet new people—including my ACE peers. By the next time I saw her, all my worries were gone. I’d made more friends, started enjoying class discussions, and felt more confident in my work.”


Michael EmanueleMichael Emanuele ’26

Major: Criminal Justice
Program:  Athletics, Baseball
Hometown: Long Island, NY
Future career goal: FBI Agent

“My experience as a John Jay student has already been very positive. It can be intimidating coming to college for the first time, but my professors and athletic advisors make everything really easy. Everyone helps you adjust to the environment. My best experience so far has been meeting and bonding with my team. It’s been fun getting to know my new teammates and I’m looking forward to the season.”


Patricia Dianne CariasPatricia Dianne Carias ’24

Major: Forensic Science
Program: Early Start, PRISM, CUNY Justice Academy
Hometown: Bronx, NY
Community College: Borough of Manhattan Community College
Future Career Goal: Forensic Scientist

“During the summer I was able to meet STEM retention specialist Rosemaire Chan who guided the Transfer Early Start cohort. Rosemarie, along with Dr. Edgardo Sanabria-Valentin, helped me join PRISM and now I’m very excited to conduct research projects with them as mentors. My first chemistry lab classes were really great. The labs are much bigger than at my old school and I have so many new instruments that I’m excited to work with this semester. Something that I didn’t expect during my first few weeks at John Jay is all the events happen during community hour. There’s always something to do. You can never get bored.”


Akiana SmithAkiana Smith ’24

Major: Human Services and Community Justice
Program: APPLE Corps, CUNY Justice Academy, Federal Work Study
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Community College: LaGuardia Community College
Future Career Goal: Juvenile Detention Center Director

“One of the best experiences so far is being selected for APPLE Corps and Federal Work Study. These on-campus opportunities made it so I don’t have to have an additional job to support my two wonderful daughters. Instead, I get to learn about criminal justice, education, social justice, and human services, all while earning money on campus. I’m already making great connections in different departments and Natalie Jordan, my APPLE Corps advisor, has given me good advice on different opportunities I should take advantage of while I’m at John Jay. I’m very grateful to have an advisor like her.”


Jasmine ZacamitzinJasmine Zacamitzin ’27

Major: Forensic Science and Criminology
Program: Early Start
Hometown: Bronx, NY
Future Career Goal: Crime Scene Investigator

“Being a part of Early Start helped me learn so many things like the importance of asking questions, reaching out for help when you need it, how to conduct research, the value of internships, and the importance of time management. After being in Early Start, I’ve seen my mindset change and I started my fall semester with a positive outlook. I never thought I was very good at writing; now I’m able to write 2,000-word papers and present my findings with confidence.” 


Sean JostSean Jost ’26

Major: Criminal Justice
Program:  Athletics, Baseball
Hometown: Long Island, NY
Future career goal: Law Enforcement Professional

“I’ve had a lot of fun my first few days at John Jay College. I’m learning a lot of new information in my classes, and I’ve met some really interesting people. The best experience I’ve had so far was planting the flags for the 9/11 memorial. It’s important to honor the fallen men and women from that day and it was an honor participating in the event.”



Dinorah Garcia VasquezDinorah Garcia Vasquez ’24

Major: Computer Science and Information Security
Program: PRISM, CUNY Justice Academy
Hometown: Dominican Republic; Brooklyn, NY
Community College: Borough of Manhattan Community College
Future Career Goal: Cybersecurity Professional

“I chose John Jay for many reasons, and the first one is the Latinx community. I already feel welcomed and supported because there’s a strong representation of Dominican culture at school. My first days have been great. I’m getting to know different programs like PRISM, CUNY2X, and the Computer Science Society. Joining these clubs has shown me opportunities and connected me to other students who are interested in the same field. The community is already doing a great job of helping make my dreams a reality. I know that I’m going to grow as a professional because I’m at John Jay.”