Melanie Martinez
Latinx Celebration: Melanie Martinez ’24 Credits Her Love of Family and Drive to Succeed to Her Parent’s Incredible Work Ethic

As a proud Hispanic-Serving Institution, John Jay College continues to recognize the vital contributions Latinx people have made to our country and our society through a series of events, web articles, and special features on our YouTube page. In our “Latinx Celebration” article series, we’re connecting with our Latinx students, faculty, staff, and alumni, and learning more about their experiences, identities, traditions, and hopes for the future.

When Melanie Martinez ’24, a Forensic Science major from Jackson Heights, Queens, New York, thinks back to her younger years, she remembers her Dominican-Peruvian family’s tight-knit bond, and how her parents worked hard to help provide her and her four siblings with a good life. “Because my parents were always working, my four siblings and I were always together. We would come up with games and get into all sorts of fun trouble at home, so when mom and dad got home the house was a mess,” Martinez recalls with a laugh. “Latinx people are hard workers, they put family first, and my parents embody that spirit. They had an endless drive to succeed and give us a better life than they had,” she says. “My mom was a lab technician, and my dad was a transporter, so he helped equip airplanes with food and necessities before a flight, and they worked around the clock. They were determined to see their children succeed in school and in life.”

“Latinx people are hard workers, they put family first, and my parents embody that spirit.” —Melanie Martinez

With her parents imprinting a good work ethic in her, Martinez credits them with her drive to work hard at John Jay and, one day, help diversify the Forensic Science field. “It’s because of their sacrifices I’m at the College doing well. I’m looking forward to graduating from the College, having an impact on the Forensic Science field, and making all of my family proud.”  We connected with Martinez to learn more about her upbringing and her pride in being a member of the Latinx community.

You mentioned having a tight bond with your siblings growing up, what are some of your fondest memories?
I loved to paint when I was younger, so my siblings and I would paint each other’s faces with a marker. We’d also play “Red-light, green-light, 1-2-3,” and we’d put both our feet in one sock and pretend to be mermaids. Most of all I remember all of us just gathering in my parent’s room and watching our favorite TV shows together, That’s So Raven, Thomas the Tank Engine, and Gulliver’s Travels.

“Being at a diverse college like John Jay was a big deal for me as a Latinx person. I wanted to be around people around who looked like me and had similar life experiences.” —Melanie Martinez

What was it about John Jay that drew you to the College?
John Jay appealed to me because I was looking for a college with a great Forensic Science program and I knew I wanted to major in Forensic Science. When I read up on John Jay’s offerings, I knew it was the one. Plus, it was affordable and super close to home, so I knew the commute to and from class would be easy on me and my family. I also liked that the College had a large Hispanic community. Being at a diverse College like John Jay was a big deal for me as a Latinx person. I wanted to be around people around who looked like me and had similar life experiences.

“Food plays a big part in Latinx culture, its where the history and tradition are passed down, and for me it’s where I find a great sense of pride.” —Melanie Martinez

What are you most proud of in terms of your personal Latinx identity?
I’m Dominican and Peruvian. Food plays a big part in Latinx culture, its where the history and tradition are passed down, and for me it’s where I find a great sense of pride. As a family we gather for celebrations and food is at the center of all our conversations, big moments, and family gatherings. My dad, who is Dominican, cooks the most amazing dishes. He learned to cook as a kid and he’s such a pro in the kitchen. From mangú, to rice and beans, to his chicken dishes, it’s all delicious.