María Vanessa Maldonado
Latinx Celebration: Alumna María Vanessa Maldonado ’17 Credits Spanish Courses at John Jay with Setting Her Up for a Successful Career as a NYS Certified Court Interpreter

As a proud Hispanic-Serving Institution, and in honor of Latinx Heritage Month, John Jay College is recognizing the vital contributions Latinx people have made to our country and our society through a series of events, web articles, and special features on our YouTube page. In our “Latinx Celebration” article series, we’re connecting with our Latinx students, faculty, staff, and alumni, and learning more about their experiences, identities, traditions, and hopes for the future.

When alumna María Vanessa Maldonado ’17, a New York State Certified Court Interpreter originally from Argentina, walks into a court setting to help interpret hearings for Spanish-speaking people, she feels a great sense of pride not only for the work she’s doing, but for the community she’s helping. “I love to speak with and learn from my people—that’s anyone who speaks Spanish and struggles with understanding English,” says Maldonado, who came to the U.S. when she was 16 years old. “Knowing you have someone in the room who understands you and speaks your language helps you feel better and more comfortable about the situation. I’m proud of doing this work that helps others.”

Creating a comfortable environment for those she works with is an important goal for Maldonado, who found a similar welcoming space at John Jay. When she thinks back to her favorite moments at the College, Maldonado recalls a day in a Spanish class, taught by Professor María Julia Rossi, Ph.D., where for the first time since moving to the U.S., she felt seen and validated. “During our first class, Professor Rossi asked my name, and I answered ‘María,’ but explained that in Argentina and at home I actually went by ‘Vanessa.’ She then asked me, ‘What do you like to be called?’ It was a simple, small moment and may sound insignificant to others, but for me it meant so much, and perfectly captures my John Jay experience,” says Maldonado, who often felt like she was living two separate lives because of the name differences. “As a Latinx person, you can often feel like you don’t belong in a space or like no one will understand you. But in Professor Rossi’s class I felt seen, respected, and accepted. In that moment I knew that I could merge both María and Vanessa and become whole again. It was at John Jay College where I truly found myself, my pride in being Latinx, and my purpose.”

“It was at John Jay College where I truly found myself, my pride in being Latinx, and my purpose.” —María Vanessa Maldonado

Coming to John Jay
Maldonado’s journey at John Jay began in 2013, 10 years after she graduated high school and a little over a decade after she moved to the U.S. from Mendoza, Argentina. While she was nervous about starting college in her mid 20s, she was encouraged by the help she received at John Jay. “The College gave me all the support I needed to really ease my transition. They offered translations during student orientation in my native Spanish language and they taught me how to choose my classes online and how to navigate the school’s website,” she recalls. “When I was in high school, technology was not that advanced, so I had a lot to learn about the internet. But with all the support I received at John Jay, I felt ready to start my college journey.”

Once she settled into her classes, Maldonado fully immersed herself in the courses and bilingual internship opportunities the College offered. “In my Spanish and Modern Languages classes I was able to expand my Spanish vocabulary and learn more about the Spanish language, the value of diversity, and about different Latinx cultures,” she says, acknowledging that she grew up in an area of Argentina where diversity was lacking. Desiring a hands-on experiential learning opportunity, Maldonado couldn’t pass up on the chance to intern with the City’s court system, through the United Court Internship, to get a firsthand view of what professional court interpreters and translators do daily. “During my internship with the New York Family, Civil, and Criminal Courts I was able to see how Latinx people struggled to understand what was going on during the proceedings,” says Maldonado. “The internship showed me how important interpreters are for the court system and for the people in the hearings.”

“In the court system, translators and interpreters offer a communication bridge for Latinx people who don’t understand English. They ensure equal access for Latinx people.” —María Vanessa Maldonado

Finding Her Purpose
Getting to watch court interpreters help Latinx people better understand what was going on during their hearings and court proceedings gave Maldonado a clearer view of what she wanted for her own future. “Being able to communicate and to understand is so vital to everything we do in life. If you’re a Latinx person in the U.S. who doesn’t speak English, that puts you at a disadvantage,” says Maldonado. “In the court system, translators and interpreters offer a communication bridge for Latinx people who don’t understand English. They ensure equal access for Latinx people.”

Realizing she wanted a career as an interpreter, Maldonado relished the opportunities to put her bilingual and translation skills into practice. One such notable moment came during her final year at John Jay, when she and a few classmates were asked to provide translations for parents attending a new student orientation. “In many ways it felt like a full-circle moment for me because my journey at John Jay began at orientation with someone translating the information to me in Spanish and it was ending with me translating for others. To be able to help those parents who did not speak English be part of their children’s transition into college felt amazing and filled me with so much happiness,” Maldonado recalls fondly. “Parents took the time to thank me after the orientation. It was in that moment I knew that this is what I want to do with my life.”

“To be able to help those parents who did not speak English be part of their children’s transition into college felt amazing.” —María Vanessa Maldonado

Translating for Others
After earning a bachelor’s degree in Law and Society and a certificate in Legal Translation and Legal Interpretation, Maldonado went on to become a New York State Certified Court Interpreter, where she translates in real time between English and Spanish in all court settings. And, she ensures that those seeking her assistance are heard and have a full understanding of the proceedings. “In my line of work I get to interpret for many people, from different Spanish-speaking countries, and where the Spanish vocabulary used is different. I’m so grateful for the Spanish and Modern Languages courses I took at John Jay because they helped expand my language skills so that I could better understand and interpret for people from all different Latinx countries,” says Maldonado. “The understanding that I gained in the classroom created a solid foundation for me and has been integral to my career as an interpreter.”

“I am grateful to be an interpreter who helps people and I credit John Jay with getting me here.”—María Vanessa Maldonado

She also sees how her ability to speak different forms of Spanish help put the people she’s working with at ease. “When I’m interpreting, I can stand in front of a person from a different Latinx country and use their native Spanish to communicate with them. You immediately see them start to feel comfortable. They know that they’re going to better understand the process, that they can speak to me in their native Spanish, and that I’ll understand them,” says Maldonado. “That is validating. Me speaking their language let’s them know that they are seen, heard, and respected. That validation and empowerment is what Professor Rossi gave me in that first Spanish class, and it’s what I hope to give to everyone I work with. I am grateful to be an interpreter who helps people and I credit John Jay with getting me here.”