 John Jay College is ranked #1 in best undergraduate degree in criminal justice and #28 for its Forensic Science program in the country
John Jay’s Criminal Justice and Forensic Science Programs are Ranked Top in the Country

January 2018 - According to CollegeChoice.Net, John Jay College is ranked #1 in best undergraduate degree in criminal justice in the country. Out of 35 public and private institutions, John Jay emerged as the leader in criminology education, making it one of the “absolute best” places for students to pursue a Criminal Justice Bachelor of Science degree.

In a different list compiled by CollegeChoice.Net, John Jay was also recognized for its undergraduate Forensic Science program with a #28 ranking. Academic reputation, retention rates, affordability, and early salaries of graduates were factored into both rankings.

John Jay students who pursue a Criminal Justice BS can expect to “gain a broad, multi-disciplinary and multi-dimensional understanding of criminal justice,” according to CollegeChoice. Students who pursue a Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science can expect to take “core forensic sciences classes” and learn about “evidence, crime scene investigation, analysis, and more.”

The College’s criminal justice and forensic science programs are good options for students looking to launch lucrative careers. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, New York has one of the highest employment levels in criminal justice-related occupations, and positions in criminal justice, corrections, and law enforcement are expected to grow at a national rate of 3.5%. The need for Forensic Science Technicians is projected to grow even faster, with a national average of 17% over the next few years.

In November of this past year, John Jay was ranked one of the most diverse schools in the Northeast by the Wall Street Journal. The College is a federally designated Minority-Serving Institution (MSI) as well as a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI). With a student body that represents more than 130 nationalities, the campus is an inclusive place to study justice issues through an intersectional lens.

Previously, John Jay College of Criminal Justice was ranked in the top quarter of Money magazine’s latest Best Colleges for Your Money list. Out of 711 institutions ranked, John Jay was 154, placing it among five CUNY schools to make the list including Brooklyn College, Queens College, Hunter College and Baruch which came in at number two, just behind Princeton University.