President Karol V. Mason with the new students
John Jay Welcomes Freshman and Transfer Students

During this year’s Freshman and Transfer Student Orientations—held on January 15, 16, and 17—spirits were high, friendships were made, and hopes were set for the future. As President Karol V. Mason joined John Jay’s newest members, she made sure that they knew it was okay to be nervous. “When you start a new adventure—and that’s what this is, a new adventure—it’s scary because it’s different. But I will tell you this, I’ve gotten the biggest thrills in my life when I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone.” For Mason the two biggest “out of her comfort zone” moments happened when she joined the Obama administration after 30 years of practicing at the same law firm, and when she came to John Jay College as President on August 1, 2017. “Just like you’re nervous starting out at John Jay, I was nervous that day. But, it was one of the best things I ever did.”

President Karol V. Mason speaking to the new students
President Karol V. Mason speaking to the new students

“Do you see the rich diversity of the class you’re in? That's what makes this place special, because you represent who this country is.” —President Karol V. Mason

With students coming from varying backgrounds, President Mason took a moment to acknowledge the diversity in the room while also urging the students to use their voice to influence change. “Do you see the rich diversity of the class you’re in? That's what makes this place special, because you represent who this country is. You represent a diversity of voices and perspectives, and you’re going to learn how to use that voice here at John Jay,” said Mason.

Before the students attended a student panel and went on a tour of the College, Alyssa Spano, Coordinator of Student Transition Programs, made sure to tell the new students to take full advantage of our Weeks of Welcome events, and to download the John Jay College app that makes it easy to stay in touch with classmates and access all of the College’s services, events, contacts, and maps. Eager and excited to begin their journey as official Bloodhounds, we spoke to several new students to see why they chose John Jay, what some of their concerns are, and what goals they have for the future.

Daniel PatinoDaniel Patino
Hometown: Queens, New York
Major: Criminology

“I chose John Jay because I was told that it’s the best College for criminal justice, and I want to become an NYPD police officer. Most of my family is in the Army, but that didn’t appeal to me. By becoming a police officer, I would still be serving my state and I’ll still be able to help my community. While I’m excited to start, one of my concerns is getting here. I’ve been in Queens my whole life and I haven't taken the train a lot because my school was right next to my house. I'm going to have to start taking the subway. My biggest concern is getting on the subway and making it to classes on time.”

Bryan DominguezBryan Dominguez
Transfer Student
Hometown: Palisades Park, New Jersey
Major: Criminal Justice

“I was originally doing computer science at two other colleges in New Jersey, and then realized that it wasn't my calling and wanted to do something more meaningful. I now want to pursue a career in law enforcement. I've heard many good things about John Jay and a lot of the alumni say that if you want to make a change that this is the place to do it. I’m excited about the diversity here. I’m from New Jersey and there’s not much diversity where I live. Being here, there’s a melting pot of different people and while I’m not used to it yet, it’s going to be exciting to experience education in such a diverse setting.”

Efthimia TzarasEfthimia Tzaras
Transfer Student
Hometown: East Meadow, New York
Major: Criminal Justice

 “I decided to come to John Jay because it’s the top school for criminal justice. I'm excited about learning more about the field and being able to meet and network with different people who are already in the field.”



Malyka ValentineMalyka Valentine
Transfer Student
Hometown: Brooklyn, New York
Major: Toxicology

“I chose John Jay because they have a toxicology program. I’m excited about doing research and getting my bachelor’s degree. I hope that with my degree I’m able to become a scientist and do research for different organizations.”



Justin AgramonteJustin Agramonte
Transfer Student
Hometown: Howard Beach, Queens, New York
Major: Computer Science and Information Security

 “I chose John Jay because I already had some knowledge of cybersecurity from high school and I wanted to continue it, and I knew that John Jay had an extensive cybersecurity program. I want to specialize in digital forensics and I envision myself working in a federal government agency. While I'm here, hopefully I can engage in all the clubs. I see that there's a Dominican club and as a Dominican I would love to get involved in it. I would also love to learn more about the internships and what career opportunities they can provide me as a cybersecurity major with a focus on digital forensics.”

Kimberly RamirezKimberly Ramirez
Transfer Student
Hometown: New York, New York
Major: Criminal Justice

“I wanted to come to John Jay because it's the best College for criminal justice. I hope to become a police officer and in the future get my masters degree.”