United States Coast Guard Rear Admiral Andrew J. Tiongson and John Jay President Karol V. Mason wearing their new hats
John Jay College Established as an Executive Partner College with the United States Coast Guard

John Jay College and the United States Coast Guard share a very special connection, John Jay is one of only two Executive Partner Colleges with the United States Coast Guard in the Northeast. Through this partnership, our students are eligible to apply for the Coast Guard College Student Pre-Commissioning Initiative Scholarship (CSPI). This generous scholarship pays all tuition, fees, and book costs for two years. The recipients receive the full pay and benefits of an E-3 in the United States Coast Guard, and following graduation, they attend the Coast Guard’s Officer Candidate School (OCS). Once they complete OCS, they’re commissioned as Ensigns in the United States Coast Guard. Currently, two John Jay CSPI alumni members have successfully completed OCS, and one CSPI alumna is now at OCS. On February 10, United States Coast Guard Rear Admiral Andrew J. Tiongson and John Jay President Karol V. Mason signed a ceremonial Memorandum of Agreement between John Jay College and the United States Coast Guard. The celebration included distinguished service members—such as Captain Jason Tama, United States Coast Guard, Commander Sector New York—John Jay veterans—led by Richard Pusateri, John Jay Military Veteran Services Manager—and other thankful members of the John Jay community.

Tiongson and Mason signing the Memorandum of Agreement
Tiongson and Mason signing the Memorandum of Agreement

“For New Yorkers, the United States Coast Guard couldn’t be more essential. We value their role in maritime safety, rescue, infrastructure and anti-terrorism protection—especially after the tragedy on September 11.” —Karol V. Mason, John Jay College President

“For New Yorkers, the United States Coast Guard couldn’t be more essential. We value their role in maritime safety, rescue, infrastructure and anti-terrorism protection—especially after the tragedy on September 11,” said Mason. With Capt. Tama’s permission, she went on to tell a story that he had shared years ago. The story highlighted the bravery of a Coast Guard Lieutenant who radioed for all available boats to assist in the evacuation of Lower Manhattan on September 11. “He didn’t wait for permission. He jumped into action because lives were on the line,” said Mason. “That’s what the United States Coast Guard means to New York City. This unending spirit of public service is something that the John Jay community and the United States Coast Guard have in common.”

Mason chatting with Tama
Mason chatting with Tama

Rear Admiral Tiongson took the opportunity to praise one of our CSPI recipients, Officer Candidate Andrea Quinones, who graduated from John Jay in 2019 with an International Criminal Justice degree and is working toward completing the Coast Guard OCS. “When I first met Andrea, we were going to meet with President Mason. I was told that it was my meeting with the President, but if you knew Andrea, you knew it was her meeting with the President,” he said with a smile and a nod to Quinones’ admirable determination. “She was talking about the Coast Guard and all wonderful things she hopes to do. I was so impressed with that young lady. I can’t wait till she becomes an Ensign in the United States Coast Guard, which will be happening in just a few weeks.”

Tiongson addressing the audience
Tiongson addressing the audience

“I’m so excited because it’s an incredible time to serve in the Coast Guard. We have never been more relevant, visible, or critical to our national security. In short, business is booming in the United States Coast Guard.” —Rear Admiral Andrew J. Tiongson

Tiongson went on to describe what CSPI recipients could expect following OCS. After a few weeks of training, there’s a three-year obligation in the Coast Guard. During that period, officers learn about leadership, management, and technical skills. “I’m an older man, but if I were a young person, I’d be signing up right now. I’m so excited because it’s an incredible time to serve in the Coast Guard. We have never been more relevant, visible, or critical to our national security. In short, business is booming in the United States Coast Guard.”

Cutting the cake with an officer’s sword
Cutting the cake with an officer’s sword

Before Mason and Tiongson moved on to cutting the cake, the Rear Admiral perfectly summed up the link between John Jay and the Coast Guard. “The Coast Guard is strong because of our vibrant, diverse, and inclusive workforce,” said Tiongson. “We are focused on recruiting the best, most diverse candidates that John Jay College has to offer. Together we will help make the worlds greatest coast guard even better. Thank you so much for this opportunity.”

More scenes from the event:

View more photos of the JJ Partnership with U.S. Coast Guard