(left to right) Anthony Gentile and  Malaine Clarke visit the food pantry
Gift to Food Pantry Helps Fuel Students Facing Food-Insecurity

Earlier this month, department of security, fire, and emergency management professor and alumnus Anthony Gentile ’78, ’01, continued his efforts to ease the struggles of students facing food insecurity by donating to the College’s Food Pantry. This year’s donation of $4,000 was funded in a unique way: a racehorse named John Jay. “Our hope is to raise awareness about food insecurity and support the College’s food pantry in every way possible,” says Gentile, who owns the racehorse and has been a longtime supporter of the food pantry. “We wanted to donate a portion of John Jay’s 2022 winnings. I hope that in sharing this news, we motivate people to help the College’s food pantry in some way—whether that’s in financial support, donating non-perishable food, or volunteering at the food pantry. We must raise awareness and keep our students fed. No student, no matter their age, should go hungry.”

“No student, no matter their age, should go hungry.” —Anthony Gentile ’78, ’01

Each year, hundreds of John Jay students benefit from the food pantry’s services, which include providing students with food and everyday toiletries, such as soap and toothpaste. The pantry is set up like a supermarket, where any student facing food insecurity—income does not matter—can come in and get what they need for themselves and their families.

 “Having Professor Gentile’s committed donation means I can now purchase more food items and serve more students and their families,” says Malaine Clarke, Food Pantry Manager and Health Services & Emergency Funding Director“With this donation, our student’s weekly groceries and meals will be more nutritionally rounded and healthier.”

A stocked shelf in the food pantry
A stocked shelf in the food pantry

“With this donation, our student’s weekly groceries and meals will be more nutritionally rounded and healthier.” —Malaine Clarke, Food Pantry Manager

Since 2010, Gentile has supported several food-insecurity initiatives on campus, notes Clarke. “His loyal support is invaluable,” she says. “It was his donation in 2015 that made our campus food pantry a reality, and when we went fully remote in 2020, he was one of the first to check in on how we were providing food for students during that challenging time. His ongoing commitment to the food pantry and the nourishment of our students and their families, means the world.”

Learn more about the food pantry services here.

Are you a student facing food insecurity? Email or to learn how you can access the food pantry services.

Interested in donating to the food pantry? Please contact Steve Dercole at or 212-887-6185.