Environmental Action: Climate Ambassador Jacky Tung ’22 Urges Everyone to Make Their Behaviors Greener

In honor of Earth Day 2021—and in acknowledgment of the actions needed to combat climate change and other environmental degradations—we reached out to students involved in our Environmental Justice and Sustainability Program, Environmental Club, and Climate Ambassador Program to better understand the measures we can take to support a healthy planet. As scholars of justice, we know that the negative effects of harmful environmental policies and behaviors disproportionately impact low-income communities and communities of color, but the work needed to address these issues falls on us all. As fierce advocates for justice, and responsible global citizens, we must work together to raise environmental consciousness and promote restorative actions, because every one of us needs a healthy Earth to support our happiness and survival.

Jacky Tung ’22 has always had a deep love and appreciation for the planet. “Every day, our planet provides for us and supports us in every way. The resources we use, the food we eat, the clothes we wear, and the electronic devices we use all come from the earth,” says Tung. “For all that our planet does for us, the least we can do is treat it with the respect it deserves.” Recognizing the connection between taking care of the planet and caring for our communities, Tung believes that we can all do our part to help protect and restore the environment. “Many of our communities are facing environmental, sustainability, and justice issues like air pollution. We can all reduce our carbon footprint by making our actions and behaviors greener,” says Tung. “I believe all communities deserve an environment that allows them to flourish, succeed, and thrive. I hope that by tackling environmental and sustainability issues, we can create a future full of more resilient and equitable communities.”

“For all that our planet does for us, the least we can do is treat it with the respect it deserves.” —Jacky Tung

What do you consider the biggest environmental threat that our population faces today? What actions do you hope leaders take to solve it?
The most significant environmental threat is climate change. Its impact is already evident, from the massive wildfires on the West Coast, to the historic severe weather in the Midwest and the major hurricanes on the East Coast. These climate change events are already having a significant impact. Each year, this country experiences numerous natural disasters that cost billions of dollars in damages and have a life-changing effect on people. I hope our leaders—on the community, state, and federal level—begin to pay attention to climate change and tackle the problem. They can implement new environmental policies and regulations, like investing in more “green” technology that will create a more positive and environmentally sound future for us all.

“By understanding and becoming aware of how simple daily actions and behaviors contribute to our carbon footprint, we can adjust and make our actions and behaviors greener.” —Jacky Tung

What actions would you ask your fellow John Jay College community members to take to help save the environment?
Be more aware of your personal impact on our planet. By understanding and becoming aware of how simple daily actions and behaviors contribute to our carbon footprint, we can adjust and make our actions and behaviors greener. Let’s say you’re drinking from a single-use cup, you can change your behavior by using a reusable cup instead. One of the first things anyone can do is reduce the amount of waste created. We should also reuse whatever we have as much as possible. And, we should recycle what we can—just make sure you recycle correctly. In New York City, the green bins are for paper, while the blue bins are for plastics, metals, glass, and cartons.

What actions or projects have you taken up to help save the environment?
I’m really just trying to do all I can to reduce my personal impact on the environment. I’ve been collecting food scraps to either compost myself or drop off at a food scrap collection site. Composting helps because it prevents the food scraps from going to landfills and producing methane. I use public transportation and ride a bike whenever I can. And, I take a reusable bag with me when I’m shopping. I’m also very proud to serve as a Climate Ambassador at John Jay. I’m able to speak with other students about climate change and how to combat it. There’s no better way to raise awareness and create change than by having conversations and discussions about how to save our planet.

“Earth Day should be every day. Let’s all do our part and take care of our planet.” —Jacky Tung

April is Earth Month and April 22 is Earth Day, how are you going to celebrate?
To celebrate Earth Month and Earth Day, I’m going to take some time to enjoy the beauty of this planet and all that nature has to offer. I recommend everyone try it—you don’t have to go far, just visit a nearby park. Earth Day should be every day. Let’s all do our part and take care of our planet.