COSL volunteer offering food to Maya Mariner ’20
Community Outreach and Service Learning Hosts Their First Friendsgiving

At this time of year, it’s customary to reflect on all the things we’re thankful for—our families, our communities, our educational opportunities. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, the Community Outreach and Service Learning (COSL) office hosted a two-day Friendsgiving event, on November 19 and 20. During the event, students gathered at Hound Square to enjoy music, food, and the opportunity to mingle with their fellow John Jay community members. “This is our first Community Outreach Friendsgiving,” said Jennifer Hurtado ’20. “The purpose of this event is to offer students a hot meal and bring the student community together. It’s also a time for us to inform students about the Honor Dollar that can be used for our Holiday Helpers Campaign.”

Jennifer Hurtado with a fellow COSL member ready to serve food
Jennifer Hurtado with a fellow COSL member ready to serve food

The Honor Dollar is a currency exchanged between COSL and a John Jay student. For the Holiday Helpers Campaign, students will be able to buy toys for the LaBrenda Garrett-Nelson Children Center, in exchange for Honor Dollars. These dollars can then be redeemed at COSL events and can be used as entry into raffles hosted by COSL. “We can’t accept money from students, but we still want to encourage them to take part in the activities and events that we host at the College. Our goal with the Honor Dollar is to make sure that students feel comfortable participating and ensure them that even without donating money, they can still make a difference in their community,” said Hurtado. At the event, we spoke to John Jay students and asked them an important question: What are you thankful for?

COSL members holding Honor Dollars
COSL members holding Honor Dollars

Lizbeth Loveraz

Lizbeth Loveraz ’22
Major: Sociology

“I’m thankful for… my parents, and for being fortunate enough to have a stable lifestyle that has offered me the ability to go to an institution like John Jay where I can use this education that I am receiving to help my community.”



Bryan LopezBryan Lopez ’22
Major: Criminal Justice

“I’m thankful for… the food being provided here today. I’m also grateful for my parents, especially for my mother. As a family, we have faced many challenges, and continue to do so. But we have faith and we have each other. I’ve never regretted anything that I’ve gone through because my family has taught me that I will grow stronger from it, and I truly believe I have. To anyone who is struggling—especially as the holiday season is beginning—hang in there, because I know that you will make it through, and that things will get better.”


 Bianca Hayles and Hadja Bah
 Bianca Hayles and Hadja Bah

Bianca Hayles ’20
Major: Political Science

“I’m thankful for… the opportunity to be here at John Jay and have an education. There are many people around the world, who don’t have the ability to get an education. So, it’s something that I am appreciative of and that I don’t take for granted.”

Hadja Bah ’23
Major: Political Science

“I’m thankful for… my family, best friends, my mentor, and all the great programs that I have been able to be a part of at John Jay this academic year.”

Justin RamosJustin Ramos '21
Major: Master of Public Administration in Inspection and Oversight

“I’m thankful for… my family, specifically for my mother, father and grandmother. They were the three bedrocks of my upbringing and taught me everything I needed to know. They also taught me the importance of education, so if it wasn’t for their guidance, I wouldn’t have received my bachelor’s degree and now be getting my master’s degree at John Jay.” 



Rossy Toribio with her best friend Vernice Infante
Rossy Toribio with her best friend Vernice Infante

Rossy Toribio ’22
Major: Criminal Justice

“I’m thankful for… my best friend, Vernice Infante, family, friends, and all the people that I am able to connect with here at John Jay.”

Kenneth AsamoahKenneth Asamoah ’20
Major: Computer Science and Information Security

“I’m thankful for… my loving family and for this life. Not a lot of people make it this far, especially people like me who come from the Bronx, New York. So, I am truly thankful for this life and the opportunity to gain an education. 




Declan Walsh, Director and COSL, and COSL volunteers provide students with a hot meal
Declan Walsh, Director of COSL, and COSL volunteers provide students with a hot meal