Enyu “Isabella” Li
Alumna Enyu “Isabella” Li ’19 Credits John Jay and Proskauer with Helping Her Achieve Her Law School Dreams

Alumna Enyu “Isabella” Li ’19, knows how tough it is to be a first-generation college student. “Within your family, there’s no one you can turn to when you have a question about college, pursuing a degree, or figuring out a career path,” says Li, who immigrated to the U.S. from China just five years ago. “Luckily I came to John Jay and my path to success became clearer.” Li credits her peers and mentors at the College and at the law firm Proskauer, with getting her closer to realizing her legal career goals. Now, as she embarks on a new journey at Columbia Law School, Li is sharing her story with the John Jay College community, in hopes of inspiring others to go after their dreams.

“A number of people told me, ‘If you want to pursue a career in the legal field, go to John Jay.’”—Enyu “Isabella” Li

Making It In New York
When she arrived in New York, Li was determined to get two things done right away: find a job and finish her college education. “I wanted to really support myself, so I became a paralegal and worked at two small law firms. It was there that I came into contact with attorneys and was able to observe firsthand how transformative legal work can be,” says Li, indicating what propelled her interest in the legal profession. When it came time to choose a college, Li had plenty of people offering suggestions. “A number of people told me, ‘If you want to pursue a career in the legal field, go to John Jay. The College is very good at getting their students into law school,’” says Li. “John Jay has so many valuable resources available to students and is connected to so many programs that help with their students’ success. One of the first things I did was turn to the Pre-Law Institute and sign up for their emails. They really provide loads of opportunities for students.”

Immersing Herself At John Jay
As a transfer student at John Jay, Li joined the Peer Ambassador Leadership Program and volunteered at events centered around the Immigrant Student Success Center, which was launched during her senior year at the College. “Working as a John Jay Peer Ambassador really helped improve my confidence. It gave me the ability to speak in front of incoming students and their parents during campus tours, and the experience expanded my social circle of friends at the College.” In the classroom, Li engaged with professors, asking for their advice on what opportunities she should pursue, and how she could make the most of her John Jay experience. “One of the things I treasure most from my time at John Jay, is my relationship with the professors at the College. They’re all knowledgeable and very passionate about teaching. One professor that’s made an incredible impact on my life was Jamie Longazel in the Political Science department. I view him as a lifetime mentor.”

Li (second from far left) with her Peer Ambassador Program group at John Jay
Li (second from far left) with her Peer Ambassador Leadership Program group at John Jay 

“Proskauer has a strong commitment to diversity and they partner with schools like John Jay to help uplift students coming from underserved communities. The work they do is powerful and transformative.” —Enyu “Isabella” Li

Getting Meaningful Mentorship at Proskauer
One opportunity that came via the Pre-Law Institute’s mailing list was a chance to learn from the experts at Proskauer, an international leader in the legal profession. “The College’s connection to the firm was one of the reasons I knew John Jay could help me accomplish my law school dreams,” says Li. “Proskauer has a strong commitment to diversity and they partner with schools like John Jay to help uplift students coming from underserved communities. The work they do is powerful and transformative,” says Li. When Proskauer launched its Lawyering for Social Justice Speaker Series, Li jumped at the chance to join the educational workshops and meet with top-notch lawyers. “It was incredible to learn from some of the best lawyers in the world. I’ve been able to put their advice into practice,” says Li, who engaged with professionals during the series’ Q&A panels and open discussions.

During the series, Li met William “Bill” Silverman, a Partner at the firm who leads Proskauer’s pro bono opportunities and partnerships, and Wendy Dessy, Proskauer’s Associate Director of Corporate Social Responsibility. The two quickly became people Li formed strong bonds with, learned from, and respected. “Something that has stayed with me from that very first speaker series experience at Proskauer is how Bill, Wendy, and everyone at the firm really care about other people. They wear their hearts on their sleeves and want to see others reach their full potential,” says Li. “Bill’s pro bono work is a testament to his dedication of helping others. He’s worked at the Texas-Mexico border helping immigrants in detention centers. He’s advocated for human trafficking victims and fought for fairness in the criminal justice and education system. Bill’s amazing and has inspired me to want to do pro bono work once my career is going.”

Recalling her first meeting with Wendy Dessy, Li remembers going up to her and asking about work opportunities at Proskauer. “She smiled, gave me her business card, and told me to email her my resume. From the moment I met Wendy, she’s been my ultimate champion, always enthusiastic and positive about my progress, connecting me with people who can help me with my career, and just being a really great mentor.”

“As a first-generation college student, I don’t have a lot of people I can turn to who have a degree in law. So, being able to talk with top-notch lawyers at Proskauer and listen to their law school experiences and learn what life as a practicing lawyer is like, was really special for me.” —Enyu “Isabella” Li

The Speaker Series wasn’t the only Proskauer program Li participated in. “I was one of 30 incoming female law students chosen for the first ever Proskauer Prep Program.” The weeklong program is meant to prepare the next generation of women lawyers. Students participate in a mock 1L class, interview prep, moot court, learn how to navigate law reviews, and best of all, they’re getting tips from some of Proskauer’s finest lawyers and attorneys. “Associates at the Proskauer Prep program provided us with insight and practical tips on how to succeed in law school, how to succeed in the legal profession, and the importance of mentorship. It was an invaluable opportunity for me. As a first-generation college student, I don’t have a lot of people I can turn to who have a degree in law. So, being able to talk with top-notch lawyers at Proskauer, and listen to their law school experiences and learn what life as a practicing lawyer is like, was really special for me. It gave me a greater sense of confidence in myself and affirmed that I’m on the right path. Being a lawyer is what I’m meant to do.”

Going to Law School
After graduating from John Jay, Li went to Emory University School of Law in Atlanta where she excelled, ranking in the top 10 percent of her class and being named vice president of the Chinese-American Law Society. But when Covid-19 began spreading, Li started to consider moving back to New York City—which was something her parents were hoping for anyway. “My parents really wanted me to come back home, they missed me. So, when I got my grades and told them I was in the top 10 percent, they said ‘apply to school in New York.’ I decided to give it a shot and applied to Columbia Law School.”

“My success is not only a result of my hard work, but also a result of John Jay and Proskauer’s faith and investment in me. I look forward to the day I can pass on that same gift to someone else and help them progress in life.” —Enyu “Isabella” Li

As soon as the Columbia Law School offer came in, Li reached out to her family, mentors at John Jay, and Bill and Wendy at Proskauer to let them know the good news. “They have all played such important roles in my life, I wanted them to be the first to hear I was going to Columbia,” she explains. “When my family and I came to the U.S., we had no family here. We had few friends. So, to see all I’ve accomplished in such a short amount of time, really catches me by surprise sometimes,” says Li. “My success is not only a result of my hard work, but also a result of John Jay and Proskauer’s faith and investment in me. I look forward to the day I can pass on that same gift to someone else and help them progress in life.”

Looking ahead, Li’s excited to begin her classes at Columbia Law School, and one day join a large law firm like Proskauer where she can practice law and offer pro bono services. But Li has one immediate goal she’s hoping to accomplish after she returns to the City. “My brother is starting college this fall and I’m glad I’m back in New York City to witness that. When you’re the first in your family to go to college, it can feel like a lonely, scary journey. I was very fortunate. I had a lot of good people help me along the way at John Jay and at Proskauer. So, I’m looking forward to being that guiding hand for my brother.”