Reachelle Ramirez
ACE Alumna Reachelle Ramirez ’19 Gets Accepted to 15 Law Schools

Alumna Reachelle Ramirez ’19 has always dreamed of becoming a lawyer, and after being accepted to 15 law schools, she’s about to make that dream come true. This past April, amid the statewide coronavirus lockdown, Ramirez took to social media to announce her choice to the John Jay community. “I’ve chosen to go to CUNY School of Law. I’m going to be a CUNY girl for life,” declared Ramirez, who lives in Flushing, New York. “I’m interested in working in Family Law and with the Queens County District Attorney’s office. I’m really passionate about juvenile rights. That comes from my time working with underserved kids and teenagers.” Crediting her John Jay education and the unwavering support from her Accelerate, Complete, Engage (ACE) and Pre-Law Institute (PLI) mentors with accomplishing her goal, Ramirez is ready to embark on this exciting new chapter in her life. “I had an awesome time at the College and met so many amazing peers, professors, and mentors who gave me the tools and resources to go on and change the world,” she says. “John Jay holds a special place in my heart. I’m beyond blessed and proud to be a Bloodhound for life.”

“John Jay holds a special place in my heart. I’m beyond blessed and proud to be a Bloodhound for life.” —Reachelle Ramirez

Getting a John Jay Education
Growing up, Ramirez was captivated by the characters she saw on TV crime show dramas and instinctively knew that she wanted a career in that world. “Watching shows like Criminal Minds, Law & Order, and CSI, I realized I wanted to work in law or in law enforcement, and help people get justice like I saw on TV,” Ramirez recalls. “So, at the age of 12, I googled ‘criminal justice schools,’ and John Jay College was the first one on the list. I said, ‘That’s where I’m going.’” At John Jay, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, Ramirez learned how to speak up, stand up, and advocate for others. Her College experience also taught her the value of time management. “When I first started at John Jay, I was juggling school and work—it was the first time I had a job and I was tired all the time. I napped whenever and wherever I could on campus just to get a few minutes of rest. So, learning how to manage my time and prioritize was really important. My daily planner became the key to getting all the things I wanted to accomplish, done.”   

Ramirez (center) with members of the ACE program including ACE Director DeLandra Hunter (far left)
Ramirez (center) with members of the ACE program including ACE Director DeLandra Hunter (far left) 

“I felt so lucky to be part of such an amazing program like ACE, that encourages the growth of its students, not only in an academic sense, but personally and professionally as well.” —Reachelle Ramirez

Joining the ACE Program
Being part of the first ACE cohort to graduate from John Jay, Ramirez praises the program for its dedication to its students and their success. ACE students receive one-to-one advisement, career development and academic support, along with graduate school preparation. “I felt so lucky to be part of such an amazing program like ACE, that encourages the growth of its students, not only in an academic sense, but personally and professionally as well,” says Ramirez. “My advisor, Berlyn Morales-Witten—she’s now Associate Director at ACE—was incredibly supportive. I’ll always remember how she would let me cry in her office whenever I was nervous, or how she was always ready to offer me advice whenever I was worried or concerned. She was the first person at the College to know I was considering going to law school. When I told her, she immediately introduced me to the wonderful Dr. Charles Davidson, Director of the Pre-Law Institute.”

“Anyone who has met Dr. Davidson knows what a steady source of motivation and validation he is for his students. He builds up our self-confidence and believes in us so strongly. He works hard to make sure we have the resources to succeed at John Jay, go on to law school, and diversify the bar.” —Reachelle Ramirez

Finding PLI
Joining the Pre-Law Institute (PLI) and meeting Charles Davidson, Ph.D. was life changing according to Ramirez. “PLI gave me countless opportunities to network and gain experience in the legal field. I was able to take free LSAT classes, Pre-Law Boot Camp classes—which was invaluable—and prep for the intense law school application process,” says Ramirez, turning her attention to program director, Davidson. “Anyone who has met Dr. Davidson knows what a steady source of motivation and validation he is for his students. He builds up our self-confidence and believes in us so strongly. He works hard to make sure we have the resources to succeed at John Jay, go on to law school, and diversify the bar,” says Ramirez. “There’s this great moment my family caught on film during graduation, where I’m called up to the stage and behind me you can see Dr. Davidson cheering and clapping for me with so much joy. It’s a wonderful moment, and I’m lucky to have someone like him cheering me on.”

Having a committed support system in place at John Jay is a point of pride for Ramirez, who appreciates the College’s role in her life. “It’s because of people like Dr. Davidson and Berlyn Morales-Witten, and programs like PLI and ACE, that students succeed. Knowing you have people in your corner, who believe you can go out and make the world better, is the greatest motivation any student could ask for. Yes, I got into 15 law schools because of my hard work—and trust me, I worked hard—but I also got in those law schools because of dedicated people at John Jay. And that’s something I’m incredibly thankful for.”