Free 24/7 Online Tutoring

John Jay students enrolled in these classes can access free, 24/7 tutoring via

ANT 101, BIO 211, BIO 315, BIO 412, CHE 201, CHE 202, CJBA 240, CJBA 241, CJBA 340, CJBS 101, CJBS 250, CSCI 271, CSCI 272, CSCI 375


ECO 720, ECO 725, ECO 750, ICJ 715, LWS 225, MAT 105, MAT 108, MAT 204, PHY 101, PHY 102, POL 101, POL 225, PSY 101, PSY 311, SOC 101, STA 250

If you're enrolled in any of the courses above, visit and enter the following username and password

  • Username: John Jay Email Address
  • Password: tutorstudent

To request that additional courses be added, please email Dr. Bryce Tolbert, director of academic support & learning technologies, at