PhD University of Reading, England (Philosophy)
MA University of Reading, England (Philosophy)
BSc University of Texas at El Paso (Mathematics)
BSc University of Texas at El Paso (Computer Science)
Enrique Chávez-Arvizo is editor of Descartes: Key Philosophical Writings (Wordsworth: England, 1997) and author of Triptych on the Soul: Aristotle; Descartes; Nagel (Monterrey: Mexico, 1993) and numerous scholarly journal articles mainly on Descartes, and the history of philosophy. He is a former editor of The British Society for the History of Philosophy Newsletter (1995-2000). He has received several prestigious awards including two from the National Endowment for the Humanities and has presented papers at leading universities in Denmark, England, Finland, France, Malta, Mexico, Spain, and the U.S. His fields of specialization are Descartes, early modern philosophy, philosophy of mind, and applied normative ethics. His areas of competence are Plato, Aristotle, Mill, nineteenth-century philosophy, and formal logic. He is currently working on a book on Rationalism: A Guide for the Perplexed under contract with Continuum in England.
* Triptych On the Soul: Aristotle; Descartes; Nagel (Monterey: Monterey Press,
* Descartes: Key Philosophical Writings (Ware, England: Wordsworth, 1997), xxiv +
407 pp.