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6.63.06 NB

PhD SUNY Stony Brook - Applied Mathematics
MS SUNY Stony Brook - Applied Mathematics
BA Queens College - Mathematics



Doug Salane is a professor in the Mathematics & Computer Science Department and a member of the college’s Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity Graduate faculty.   Doug has a PhD in applied mathematics with a specialization in numerical analysis. He has held positions as a research mathematician with Exxon Corp., Sandia National Laboratories and Argonne National Laboratories.  As a faculty member at John Jay he helped develop the Computer Science and Information Security major and the Digital Forensics and Cyber Security graduate program.

Doug served as Department Chair from 2014 to 2023, an era of dramatic growth in the department’s undergraduate and graduate programs in computer security. From 2006 to 2018 Doug was the director of the Center for Cybercrime Studies. Doug also has served as director of the Digital Forensics & Cybersecurity Graduate program.

Doug’s research interests include applications of machine learning in criminal justice, incident-based crime reporting systems, and privacy.   Doug has received funding from NSF, NASA and NIJ to support his work and the college’s undergraduate and graduate programs in computing.  Doug is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), American Society of Criminology (ASC), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and SIAM.