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Ph.D. in Anthropology, The City University of New York (1999)
B.S. in Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University (1985)




A cultural anthropologist, Anru Lee's research focuses on the Asian Pacific region and issues of capitalism, modernity, gender and sexuality, and urban anthropology. She is the author of In the Name of Harmony and Prosperity: Labor and Gender Politics in Taiwan's Economic Restructuring and Haunted Modernities: Gender, Memory, and Placemaking in Postindustrial Taiwan and is co-editor of Women in the New Taiwan: Gender Roles and Gender Consciousness in a Changing Society and Brill Encyclopedia of Taiwan Studies (The Gender and Women's Studies Section). She is currently working on a book manuscript that investigates mass rapid transit systems as related to issues of technology, governance, and citizenship. Her most recent fieldwork looks at the newly built Mass Rapid Transit systems in Taiwan in the context of the country's struggle for cultural and national identity.



JJC Affiliations
Anthropology Major, Global Asian Studies Minor
Courses Taught

ANT 101 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

ANT 208 Urban Anthropology

ANT 210 Sex and Culture

ANT 229 Global Asian Popular Culture

ANT 305 Theory in Anthropology

ANT 339 Asian American Identity and Struggles for Justice

AST 101 Cultures and Societies in Asia: Global Perspectives


Scholarly Work

Lee, Anru. 2023. Haunted Modernities: Gender, Memory, and Placemaking in Postindustrial Taiwan. Honolulu: University of Hawaii University. 

Lee, Anru. 2004. In the Name of Harmony and Prosperity: Labor and Gender Politics in Taiwan’s Economic Restructuring. Albany: SUNY Press.

Farris, Catherine, Anru Lee, and Murray A. Rubinstein. Eds. 2004. Women in the New Taiwan: Gender Roles and Gender Consciousness in a Changing Society. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.