Honors Program Overview & Team


Thank you for your interest in the John Jay College Honors Program 

We offer a challenging academic experience that empowers students to shape their own life’s purpose in the context of today’s broader social structures.

Our curriculum focuses students’ curiosity on both timeless questions and current ethical conundrums—positioning them to engage with today’s complex social and cultural issues.

The complete experience—rigorous coursework, engaging instructors, inspiring peerssharpens students’ personal and professional skills. It equips them to embark confidently on a future of personal achievement and positive impact on communities they serve.


Are you interested?
Seven reasons a determined, talented student should apply

  • Inspiring curriculum focused on justice and promoting the common good
  • Small peer community and classes within a large, dynamic urban college
  • One-on-one attention and engagement with faculty selected for both academic achievement and inspiring teaching style
  • Innovative courses that require student engagement—serious study, open inquiry, and lively give-and-take
  • Personal support for internships, fellowships and other means for individual professional advancement
  • A senior-level capstone research project, where you engage with a faculty mentor and develop a project you have a passion for
  • Benefits such as a partial scholarship and free state-of-the-art laptop.


Honors Team

Raymond Patton, PhD, Professor, Department of History
Faculty Director, Honors Program and Macaulay Honors Program
rpatton@jjay.cuny.edu, 646.557.4504

Alana Philip, MsEd, Honors Program Manager
aphilip@jjay.cuny.edu, 212.484.1122

Adrienne Fitzgerald, MSW, Student Support Manager
afitzgerald@jjay.cuny.edu, 212.393.6407

Hanna Yeum, BA Administrative Assistant
hyeum@jjay.cuny.edu, 646.557.4676

Sara Shaw-Clarke, BS, Specialist

Aisha Abdelmula, MEd, William E. Maculay Honors Program Advisor