FAQs for Faculty

1) How many students are in a WI course?

WI courses are typically capped at 20 students.

2) How much writing does a WI course require?

The total number of pages submitted furing the semester varies with each WI course. However, students should expect to submit at least 15-20 pages of typed work for grading from a combination of assignments (such as shorter or longer essays).

3) What are some of the advantages of teaching a WI course?

Studies have shown that WI courses tend to imporve the way an instructor teaches. Since WI courses incorporate both low- and high-stakes writing assignments, the learning process becomes more collaborative between student and professor. Most students begin to feel invested in improving their writing skills and instructors can more accurately guage where strengths and weakness exist. Moreover, since student enrollment is comparatively smaller, student-cenetered pedagogy becomes possible.

4) Will I become lost in a sea of writing assignments that I need to respond to and grade? Indeed, do I need to respond to and grad all WI assignments?

No, you will not become lost or necessarily overhwelmed. Since the classroom is capped at 20 students, the workload will be much more manageable for the instructor. Also, an instructor does not have to correct all assignments submissted, and particularly lower-stakes writing assignments, which only require acknowledgment and , perhaps, brief suggestions for revisions that build towards the higher-stakes assignments.

5)Will I be paid for WI training?

Yes, faculty receive a modest stipend upon completion of WI certification.

6) I took a few WI workshops a while ago. Do they apple to my certification process?

Yes, so long as your attendance at the earlier workshops is documented.

7) If I teach a course as a WI course, does it remain a WI course?

The WI certification follows the instructor, not the course. In other words, we certify instructors, not courses.