Natalie Jordan

Natalie Jordan
Senior Academic Advisor, Apple Corps
BS, SUNY Buffalo State
BA, SUNY Buffalo State
MS, SUNY Buffalo State

If I wasn't an Academic Advisor I would have been a lawyer.

My majors in college were Criminal Justice and Sociology and I chose them because I was interested in learning about the foundations of the criminal justice system, as well as understanding social behavior and human relationships in an effort to prepare me for law school.  In graduate school I majored in student personnel administration because I had an interest in helping students navigate the college arena.

The top three life skills that I learned while in college are:
1) The importance of advocating for yourself.
2) Being persistent is the key to success.
3) Having a strong work ethic is vital.

My favorite quote is:
I don't give in, I don't give up, I don't take no for an answer. (Doris Roberts)

If my life had a theme song it would be Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield.