Louise Freymann

Louise Freymann

Academic Advising Manager
BA, Wheaton College, Massachusetts
MA, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor

If I wasn't an Academic Advisor I would have been a public radio talk show host or writer.

My major in college was English and I chose it because it taught me so much about life, the human heart, the many ways in which people engage with each other, and also how to think and write in a clear and lively way.

The top three life skills that I learned while in college are:
1) Courage.
2) How to be independent while growing special relationships with the people I love.
3) How to accept change as a potentially wonderful thing even when it’s sometimes scary.

My favorite quotes are:
When you pay attention, everything in life comes to you as a teacher. (Buddhist saying)
You will hardly know who I am or what I mean, but I shall be good health to you nevertheless. (Walt Whitman)

If my life had a theme song it would be You've Got a Friend by James Taylor.