Hugo Monroy-Caceres

Hugo Monroy-Caceres
Associate Director for Academic Recovery
BA, University of Extremadura - Spain
BA, CUNY Hunter College
LMSW, CUNY Lehman College

If I wasn't an Academic Advisor I would have been a superhero!

My major in college was Social Work and I chose it because social workers are almost superheroes!

The top three life skills that I learned while in college are:
1) The ability to laugh at myself.
2) How to take it easy.
3) Realizing that everything is going to be okay.

My favorite quote is:
If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make a change. (Michael Jackson)

If my life had a theme song it would be Gracias a la Vida (Thanks to Life) by Violeta Parra.