Psychology FAQ

Why major in Forensic Psychology?

There are many reasons. Here are a few:

  • To learn about human behavior
  • To improve your reading, writing and critical thinking skills
  • To help others
  • To expand your career options

What do forensic psychologists do?

They can work in a variety of areas doing different things. Some examples are below:

  • Police Psychology: Study the way in which police interact with mentally ill citizens.
  • Psychology of Crime and Delinquency: assist schools to identify potentially dangerous youths.
  • Correctional Psychology: study how sexual harassment by inmates of female correctional officers might affect stress levels for correctional personnel.
  • Victimology and Victim Services : evaluate and treat victims and/or witnesses of crime.
  • Legal Psychology: study how children understand legal concepts, conduct evaluations (e.g., child custody, visitation, child abuse) or provide expert testimony or trial consulting services.

What can I do with a Forensic Psychology major?

Almost anything that you want to do. Psychology majors frequently find employment in teaching, management, counseling, social work and sales. You would get specific training on the job or in graduate school. If you want to do “professional psychology” where you do treatment or deal with patients, or even do research on your own – you need a graduate degree.

Does the Psychology Department offer any specific training that I can use to get a job?

Yes – John Jay offers a Credential in Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counseling (CASAC). Completion of the program is often enough for entry-level positions in this field.

How do I get involved in research?

  • The first way to get involved in research is to participate in the McNair Scholars program. If you are eligible it provides undergraduate research experience and funding.
  • The second way to get involved is to look on the Psychology Department’s Full-Time Faculty page (insert link here) and contact a professor whose research interests you in order to become a research assistant. 

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