Writing & Rhetoric
The minor in Writing and Rhetoric provides students with a theoretical understanding of rhetorical principles as they apply them to academic, public, and professional writing situations. Students learn to write for diverse audiences and purposes, and across multiple genres, styles, and designs. The minor teaches students to meet the expectations and requirements for producing texts with impact across varied writing contexts, including creative non-fiction, law, business, and discipline-specific academic writing; as such, the minor prepares students for the advanced writing required in upper-level college courses and in their professional careers beyond graduation.
- Language and Style: Show a versatile understanding and execution of language, voice, structure, and style, as appropriate for diverse professional and academic genres and audiences.
- Rhetoric: Explain the basics of rhetorical theory in order to identify and analyze writing from professional and academic genres.
- Research: Conduct and apply independent primary and secondary research as evidence in different genres of writing.
- Process: Demonstrate writing and research processes that include planning, composing, revising, editing, proofreading, and reflection.
- Ethics: Reflect upon the inherent power of the written word and apply fair and just practices in all aspects of researching, planning, composing, and designing texts.