College Council Bylaws

John Jay College of Criminal Justice
College Council Bylaws

Approved by the College Council on May 11, 2023

I. College Council Committees

1.       General Provisions

  1. Unless otherwise specified in the John Jay Charter of Governance (“Charter”) or these Bylaws, the Faculty Senate, Higher Education Officer Council and Student Council shall each elect or appoint representatives from among its constituency group to College Council committees.  The names of those elected or appointed to College Council committees by each constituency group shall be forwarded to the College Council for a vote of ratification at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  
  2. Except where a committee chairperson is designated in the Charter of Governance or these Bylaws, the President shall appoint a convenor for each committee.
  3. Except where a committee chairperson is designated in the Charter of Governance or these Bylaws, at its first meeting of the academic year, each committee shall elect a chairperson and a vice chairperson.
  4. Each committee shall meet at least once during the academic year.
  5. The committee chairperson shall submit a schedule of meetings to the Executive Committee at the beginning of each academic semester.  The chairperson of each committee shall enter the meeting dates onto the College’s electronic calendar.
  6. College Council committee meetings are open to all current John Jay faculty and staff and all currently enrolled John Jay students.
  7. All committees shall keep minutes of their meetings, including attendance, and submit them to the Secretary of the College Council within 14 days of approval.
  8. The chairperson of each committee shall submit an annual written summary of its activities to the Secretary of the College Council no later than 14 days before the last scheduled meeting of the College Council each academic year.  Each summary shall include a report of the attendance of committee members.
  9. The Faculty Senate, Council of Chairs, Higher Education Officers Council, the Student Council and all members of the College community may refer items to College Council committee chairpersons for the committee’s consideration as agenda items.
  10. College Council committee members shall serve for a term of one (1) year except for ex officio members and except when otherwise set forth in the Charter of Governance or these Bylaws.
  11. Administrative members of committees shall be those named, or those holding equivalent positions and functions, as determined by the President.
  12. When a vacancy on a College Council committee occurs, as determined by the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee shall notify the constituency.  If 30 days after notification the constituency fails to elect an interim representative, the Executive Committee shall appoint a representative from the affected constituency.  A member serving to fill a vacancy shall serve only to complete the regular term of the member he or she has replaced.
  13.  No person shall participate in more than one constituency election for College Council committee representatives.
  14. No student may serve on more than two (2) College Council committees, unless he or she serves by virtue of his or her office.
  15. For the governance bodies and committees listed below, a positive vote by a majority of the membership, including vacancies, of the governance body or committee is required to pass a motion or to fill positions by election. A greater proportion can be required pursuant to approved bylaws.

    • College Council
    • College Council Executive Committee
    • Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum and Academic Standards
    • Committee on Faculty Personnel
    • Budget and Planning Committee
    • Committee on Graduate Studies
    • Academic departments, graduate programs, non-departmental academic programs, for elections, curricular proposals, and for revisions of bylaws.


2.  Standing Committees

a. Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall consist of the following members: President, chairperson; Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; and two additional administrators named by the President; seven (7) members of the full-time faculty as defined in Article I, Section 3.a.i of the Charter; two (2) higher education officers; and three (3) students.

The faculty, higher education officers and student representatives shall be elected by the College Council from among its members in September of each year.  From June 1 until such time as the College Council holds this election, there shall be an Interim Executive Committee which shall consist of the following members: President, chairperson; Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; and two additional administrators named by the President; the President and Vice President of the Faculty Senate; two (2) other members of the Faculty Senate; the President and Vice President of the Higher Education Officers Council; and the President and Vice President of the Student Council.  The faculty, higher education officer and student members of the Interim Executive Committee shall nominate College Council members of their respective constituencies as candidates for election to the Executive Committee.

b. Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum and Academic Standards

The Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum and Academic Standards shall consist of the following members: Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs; Associate Provost for Undergraduate Retention and Dean of Undergraduate Studies, chairperson; Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Studies; the Registrar; the chairperson of each of the academic departments, or a full-time member of the faculty, as defined in Article I, Section 3.a.i of the Charter, who has served in that capacity at the College for at least one (1) year to be elected from among the members of that department to serve for two (2) academic years; and three (3) students, each of whom have reached or exceeded Sophomore Standing, earned a minimum of 15 credits in residence at John Jay, and have a John Jay College cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0.  The Committee shall elect a vice chairperson from among its faculty members. The Associate Provost for Undergraduate Retention and Dean of Undergraduate Studies shall provide a secretary to the Committee.

c. Committee on Student Interests

The Committee on Student Interests shall consist of the following members: Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students, chairperson; the Director of Athletics; Senior Director for Student Affairs; six (6) students; and two (2) members of the faculty.

d. Faculty Student Disciplinary Committee

A Faculty Student Disciplinary Committee shall consist of two (2) members of the faculty, or one (1) faculty member and one (1) member of the Higher Education Officer series (HEO), two (2) students and a chairperson who shall be a faculty member.  As set forth in Article XV of the Bylaws of the CUNY Board of Trustees, the rotating panels shall be appointed as follows:

  1. The President shall select, in consultation with the Executive Committee, three (3) full-time members of the faculty, as defined in Article I, Section 3.a.i of the Charter, to receive training and to serve in rotation as chair of the Faculty Student Disciplinary Committee.
  2. The full-time members of the faculty, as defined in the Charter, shall be selected by lot from a panel of six (6) members of the full-time faculty elected annually by the Faculty Senate.
  3. The HEO members shall be selected by lot from a panel of six (6) HEOs appointed biennially by the President, upon recommendation by the HEO Council.
  4. The student members shall be selected by lot from a panel of six (6) students elected annually in an election in which all students registered at the College shall be eligible to vote.
  5. In the event that the student panel or faculty panel or both are not elected, or if more panel members are needed, the President shall have the duty to select the panel or panels which have not been elected. No individuals on the panel shall serve for more than two (2) consecutive years.
  6. Notwithstanding the above, in cases of sexual assault, stalking and other forms of sexual violence, the President shall designate from the panels one (1) chairperson, two (2) faculty/HEO members, and two (2) students, who shall be specially trained on an annual basis, and who shall constitute the Faculty Student Disciplinary Committee in all such cases.


e. Committee on Faculty Personnel

The Committee on Faculty Personnel shall consist of the following members: President, chairperson; the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; Dean of Graduate Studies; Associate Provost for Undergraduate Retention and the Dean of Undergraduate Studies; Associate Provost and Dean of Research; and, the chairperson of each academic department.  The full-time faculty, as defined in Article I, Section 3.a.i of the Charter, shall elect six (6) at-large full-time members of the full-time faculty from amongst those who hold the rank of tenured associate and/or tenured full professor, as defined in Article I, Section 3.a.i of the Charter.  Of the six (6) at-large members of the faculty, the three (3) who receive the highest number of votes in a general faculty election shall be the permanent at-large faculty representatives of the committee.  The three (3) members of the faculty who receive the next highest number of votes in a general faculty election will be alternate faculty representatives on the committee.  An alternate may vote, make motions and be counted as part of the quorum only when a chairperson and/or an at-large faculty representative is absent.

f. Budget and Planning Committee

A Budget and Planning Committee shall consist of the following members: President, chairperson; Vice President for Finance and Adm­inistration; Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs; Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness; Associate Provost and Dean of Research;  Executive Director for Human Resources; Dean of Graduate Studies; Assistant Vice President for Finance; Associate Provost for Undergraduate Retention and Dean of Undergraduate Studies; Vice President for Institutional Advancement; President and Vice President of the Faculty Senate; two members chosen by the Faculty Senate; all academic department chairpersons; the President of the Higher Education Officers Council, or designee; two (2) higher education officer representatives; the President and Treasurer of the Student Council, or designees; two (2) additional student representatives chosen by the Student Council; and two (2) members of the non-instructional staff, as defined in Article XIV, Section 14.1 of the Bylaws of the CUNY Board of Trustees.

  1. The Financial Planning Subcommittee of the Budget and Planning Committee shall consist of the following members: Vice President of Finance and Administration, chairperson; Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; President and Vice President of the Faculty Senate and one (1) representative chosen by the Faculty Senate; Chair and Vice Chair of the Council of Chairs; one (1) representative chosen by the Council of Chairs; and the President of the Higher Education Officers Council; two (2) student representatives chosen by the Student Council.  The Assistant Vice President for Finance and the Provost’s Assistant Dean for Academic Operations and Financial Affairs shall staff the subcommittee.
  2. The Strategic Planning Subcommittee of the Budget and Planning Committee shall consist of the following members: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, chairperson; Vice President of Finance and Administration; Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness; President and Vice President of the Faculty Senate; two (2) representatives chosen by the Faculty Senate; Chair of the Council of Chairs; two (2) representatives chosen by the Council of Chairs; President of the Higher Education Officers Council; and two (2) student representatives chosen by the Student Council.  The Director of Institutional Research and the Director of Outcome Assessment shall staff the subcommittee.


g. Committee on Graduate Studies

The Committee on Graduate Studies shall consist of the following members: Dean of Graduate Studies, chairperson; Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students; Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs; Chief Librarian; Graduate Program Directors; the BA/MA Director; and two (2) graduate students.

The Committee on Graduate Studies shall review and approve program bylaws for each graduate program. Such bylaws shall then be submitted to the Executive Committee of the College Council for review and approval. Program bylaws may provide for co-directors after assessing factors such as program size and the interdisciplinary nature of the curriculum.

h. Committee on Student Evaluation of the Faculty

The Committee on Student Evaluation of the Faculty shall consist of the following members: four (4) full-time members of the faculty, as defined in Article I, Section 3.a.i of the Charter of Governance, and two (2) students. The committee shall elect a chairperson from among its faculty members.  Members shall serve for a term of two (2) years.

i. Provost Advisory Council

The Provost Advisory Council shall consist of the following members: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, chairperson; Assistant Dean for Academic Operations and Financial Affairs Office of the Provost; President and Vice President of the Faculty Senate; and, department chairpersons.

j. Council of Undergraduate Program Coordinators

The Council of Undergraduate Program Coordinators shall consist of the following members: Associate Provost for Undergraduate Retention and Dean of Undergraduate Studies, chairperson; and coordinators of undergraduate majors.

k. Committee on Honors, Prizes, and Awards

There shall be a Committee on Honors, Prizes, and Awards. The committee shall consist of the following members: Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, chairperson; Assistant Vice President and the Dean of Students; the Senior Director for Student Affairs; three (3) full-time members of the faculty, as defined in Article I, Section 3.a.i of the Charter of Governance; and three (3) students, each of whom have reached or exceeded Sophomore Standing, earned a minimum of 15 credits in residence at John Jay, and have a John Jay College cumulative grade point average of 3.0.  Student representatives shall not be seniors.

3. Special Committees


II.      Amendments

The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members of the College Council present and voting at a regular meeting of the College Council, as long as there is at least an absolute majority of affirmative votes.  Any amendment to the Bylaws shall be proposed and discussed at a regular meeting of the College Council and shall be voted on at the next regular meeting of the College Council.