
The mailroom is responsible for the receipt of USPS (United States Postal Service) mail; and for the delivery and pickup of USPS mail and interoffice mail. Other functions completed through this office include: UPS overnight delivery, business reply mail (BRM), and certified mail/return receipt. 

UPS overnight delivery 

UPS approval formpdf signed by the department head is required to send a parcel or letter. To go out the same day, a package must be in the mailroom before 2pm. UPS approval forms are available within the Resource Center on Inside JJC.

Certified Mail/Return Receipt 

This service allows the sender proof of mailing as well as proof of delivery. This is only available for Priority and First class mail. 

Business Reply Mail (BRM) 

The business reply mail (BRM) service permits a department to send a preprinted first class mail reply pieces from outside vendor to customers. The sending department only pays for all BRM envelopes returned. Envelopes not returned are not charged back. Departments wishing to use the business reply mail service must contact Laura DeVries, Graphic Designer, at to create the BRM envelope with the correct design specifications as required by USPS.

Personal Mail 

Faculty and staff are prohibited from using the college’s mail facilities and may not send or receive personal mail or packages. 

Policies & Procedures 

John Jay College Policies and Procedures Compendium (Inside John Jay)

Contact Us

Michael Merseburg 
Mailroom Coordinator 
T. 212.237.8532

Gerald Sorroza 
Mail Messenger Services Worker, Level II

Corey Knight 
Mail Messenger Services Worker, Level II

Tomas Vallejo 
Mail Messenger Services Worker, Level II

524 West 59th Street 
Rm. L2.66.00 
New York City, NY 10019 
T. 212.237.8534

Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday
9:00am – 5:00pm