International Education Resources for Faculty

Study-Abroad Programs Overview for Faculty

The Office of International Studies & Programs (OISP) partners with faculty in every department at the College to develop innovative programs that provide students of all disciplines with valuable international experience.

A majority of our JJC programs are faculty-led international living and learning experiences that promote cultural understanding, personal enrichment, and professional development for both students and you as faculty. In support of our mission, these programs serve to internationalize the curriculum, encourage foreign-language acquisition, and prepare students with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and experiences to become engaged global citizens. As a faculty member, you play an integral role in creating and shaping these unique learning opportunities for our students. 

Short-term Programs


Morocco Winter 2014

Morocco Winter 2014



Most JJC short-term programs are 1 to 6-week faculty-led study abroad experiences during winter, embedded, or summer. Students typically earn 3-6 credits while pursuing an intensive study of topics in a global context. As students are sometime deterred from studying abroad for an entire semester, JJC short-term programs provide greater access to opportunities for experiential learning in another country. Explore the current JJC programs to see the variety of disciplines and program structures integrated into these international experiences.  Visit

Short-term Programs Developing and Leading a Study-Abroad Program

The OISP welcome proposals for new programs that support one or more of the following outcomes and goals:

  • Diversify JJC faculty-led study abroad opportunities for students
  • Expand the JJC study-abroad program portfolio to underrepresented regions including Africa, Eastern Europe, and South and Southeast Asia
  • Provide opportunities for students typically underrepresented in study abroad
  • Further integrate study-abroad experiences into departmental and program curricula through pre- and post-programming
  • Support internationalization efforts on campus
  • Promote experiential learning, project-based learning, civic engagement, entrepreneurship, and innovation
  • Facilitate cross-disciplinary interaction and collaboration

Preference will be given to program proposals that incorporate experiential learning (e.g., field work, project-based learning, service-learning, etc.), increase foreign-language acquisition, or have the potential to fulfill a general-education core courses outcome such as World Cultures and Global Issues or U.S. Experience in its Diversity.

Program Proposal Timeline

For information about proposing a study-abroad program, contact Kenneth Yanes, Dep. Director (, +1.212.484.1339, Haaren Hall 530) for more information.  Also, please refer to the following timeline to prepare your proposal:




Meet with OISP to discuss development of the program. Regardless of whether you have a complete itinerary or just an idea, we will provide assistance in program development and can connect you with our international partners.

Six months to a year prior to proposal submission

Submit a program proposal. We will send you a proposal form after discussing your idea.

  Mar 15

          Oct 15

The OISP will notify you of the Study-Abroad Advisory Committee’s decision.

   May 1

          Dec 15

We have established these dates so our Study-Abroad Advisory Committee can review your proposal and reach a decision (accept, reject, or revise and resubmit) with adequate time for our office to develop marketing materials and program budgets prior to opening applications. Because of these constraints, late proposals cannot be considered.

In addition, the full Program Development Timeline provides a more comprehensive overview of program development and planning, admissions, pre-departure preparation, and post-program wrap-up.

Program Planning Considerations

Academic Course: A study-abroad course should be of comparable academic rigor to one offered on campus and support the curriculum in your department. Adequate contact hours must be built into the program design for the number of credits being offered.  In addition, you should assign an appropriate amount of reading material to support your course and assess the students in such a way that holds them accountable for the required work.

Engagement and Professional Development Opportunities: Determine how participation in your program will enhance students' understanding and experience in the field. Internships, hands-on fieldwork, project-based learning, and opportunities for intercultural collaboration are examples of experiences offered in our current programs.

Course Number and Listing: Courses that fulfill one or more general-education learning outcomes will interest students and allow you to draw from a larger pool of applicants. Cross-listed courses can also expand the applicant pool. We can assist you with making contacts in other departments or campus units for cross-listing your course. Your department scheduler should identify the appropriate course number, and the OISP and your department will handle jointly the course scheduling and registration.

Audience: You should design a course that targets a specific population and yet is broad enough to appeal to a larger group. Most short-term programs have a minimum enrollment of 12 students but can accommodate more (we generally recommend 20-25 as the maximum enrollment for short-term programs). Consider whether your course is designed primarily for undergraduate students, graduate students, or a mix of both. Moreover, all JJC programs are open to JJC and CUNY students and also to applicants from other institutions.

Location: Consider what location and cultural context is most appropriate to meet the learning objectives of the course. In addition, keep in mind factors such as potential health, safety, and security risks; weather; the current political situation; and local festivals or events that might coincide with the program dates. CUNY does not allow programs to travel to countries on the US Department of State Travel Warning List (

Learning Resources

We offer a variety of services and resources for internationalizing your teaching experience at JJC.   

Handbook for Faculty-led Study Abroad Program & CUNY Int’l Travel Guidelines: We have created a handbook that covers all aspects of leading a program abroad, including program development, budgeting, marketing and outreach, admissions, pre-departure and on-site orientation, crisis management abroad, and more.

Workshops: The OISP holds mandatory workshops for faculty leading our programs every semester. Topics covered include risk management, health and safety, student disciplinary policies, Title IX, and standards of good practice. Workshops are interactive in nature, providing you with opportunities to raise issues, questions, and concerns specific to your program as well as to learn from experienced colleagues.

ePortfolio for Study-Abroad Programs: ePortfolio helps students integrate their learning experiences inside and outside of the classroom, realize connections across their learning, and reflect on the process and product of their learning.  The ePortfolio Program at John Jay, overseen by Dr. Daniel Auld (, provides professional development to faculty interested in using ePortfolio in their courses, and support to John Jay students including hands-on workshops to build ePortfolios for their courses.  Contact Daniel or visit the program’s web site ( and the Faculty Toolbox for ePortfolio: ( to learn more.




Faculty Guidelines for Study Abroad Proposals

Please see below links for information about leading a study-abroad program at John Jay College.


CUNY-Wide Policies for Faculty & Staff Traveling with Students Abroad

All faculty directors must familiarize themselves and abide by the CUNY International Travel Guidelines.

CUNY’s International Travel Guidelines (pdf) are a resource to assist faculty and staff in the review and approval requirements and in the planning and preparing for health and safety issues that may arise in the context of students participating in domestic and international travel programs. Please check for updates and contact us with any questions.

CUNY’s Understanding Title IX Guidelines When Abroad: A Student Guide (pdf) should be distributed to all students going on academic, co-curricular and extracurricular trips abroad. Students embarking on independent travel abroad connected to their CUNY education but outside of CUNY auspices are also strongly encouraged to review this document.

More details on general polices, please schedule an appointment to consult with Kenneth Yanes, Dep. Director of International Studies & Programs (, +1.212.484.1339, Haaren Hall 530).