Outstanding Scholarly Mentoring Award
The 2023 Outstanding Scholarly Mentor Award
Description of Award
Each year, the OSRC awards two Outstanding Scholarly Mentoring Awards to recognize faculty members who have provided exceptional student mentoring by engaging undergraduates in scholarly research or creative work. The awards will be distributed as follows: One award will be given to a faculty from the Psychology or Sciences disciplines; and one award will be given to a faculty member from other academic divisions.
Selection Criteria
Applications should be sent to osrc@jjay.cuny.edu by April 15. Applications should include the following information:
- A list of all undergraduate students that have been mentored in scholarly research or creative work, beyond classroom requirements or interactions. This list should include any awards that the nominee’s students have received, presentations they have given or co-authored, publications they have co-authored, and the current status and location of the student.
- A one-page letter of support from a current or former student mentee.
- A one-page letter of support from a colleague, chair, or dean. This letter must include an explicit statement detailing why the efforts of the nominated individual are exemplary and above and beyond those efforts of his or her disciplinary peers.
- A mentoring statement, that details the scholar’s approach to mentoring, strictly limited to one-page, single-spaced, 12-point font.
The award will consist of recognition at the faculty awards ceremony and a $1500 research support award, which is subject to the following restrictions: The monetary award cannot be used for release time, summer salary, or conference travel (except as described below). The monetary award must be used within 12 months of the announcement of the award date. The $1500 research award is designed to support the research or creative work of the recipient in ways that support the involvement of JJC undergraduate student research assistants. Possible uses include equipment, supplies, computer needs, student stipends, other research needs, and faculty travel to accompany students to an academic conference or to a conference/workshop that explicitly promotes undergraduate research mentoring. (Faculty travel to a professional conference unrelated to student mentoring and without accompanying students will not be supported.) Any questions should be directed to osrc@jjay.cuny.edu.
Past winners of the Outstanding Scholarly Mentor Award:
2021, Jason Rauceo (Sciences)
2020, Yuliya Zabyelina (Political Science); Charles Stone (Psychology)
2019, Lizette Delgado-Cruzata (Sciences); Rebecca Weiss (Psychology)
2018, Nathan Lents (Sciences)
2017, Shu-Yuan Cheng (Sciences), Silvia Mazzula (Psychology)
2016, Belinda Rincon (Latin American and Latina/o Studies)
2015, Jason Rauceo (Sciences)
2014, Elizabeth Jeglic (Psychology)
2013, Jill Grose-Fifer (Psychology), Richard Perez (English),
2012, Anthony Carpi (Sciences), Joshua Freilich (Criminal Justice), Toy-Fung Tung (English)
Other Faculty Funding Opportunities
Faculty - Student Engagement Program: The Division of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs is excited to present the Faculty-Student Engagement Program sponsored by the Student Activities Association. The Faculty Student Engagement Fund initiative will reimburse faculty members who host students at activities and events outside of the classroom. The Dine with your Professor initiative gives faculty members the opportunity to take their students to lunch at the Faculty & Staff Dining room.
The CUNY Office of Research offers annual grants for innovative ideas to incorporate authentic research projects into the undergraduate curriculum. We encourage applications from across all disciplines including the Arts, Humanities, Engineering, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences.
Any questions should be directed to osrc@jjay.cuny.edu.